Building an example#

The following section shows how to build a simple XCommon CMake based example program in VS Code. XCommon CMake is the build and dependency management system delivered with the XTC Tools and is required to build certain XMOS applications.

While following the steps below, some dialogs may pop up. For example the VS Code CMake Tools extension may ask whether an XCommon CMake project should be re-configured each time VS Code is started. Certain dialogs may be ignored and they will disappear after a few seconds. Depending on the responses provided these dialogs may pop up again later - for example when a workspace is opened in VS Code a second time.

Copy the example#

  1. Browse to the installation directory of the XTC Tools, for example C:\Program Files\XMOS\XTC\15.3.0\

  2. Browse to examples

  3. Copy the sub-directory ExampleXCommonCMake to a temporary working directory

Starting VS Code#

  1. Open an XTC Tools Command Prompt

  2. Change directory to the copied ExampleXCommonCMake directory

  3. In the command prompt type

    $ code .

    Note the . character which tells VS Code to use the current directory as a workspace

    Note: If VS Code restarts (for example after a machine reboot) it may not inherit the XTC Tools setup carried out above. If this occurs, close VS Code, and go back to starting VS Code

  4. VS Code may present a dialog box Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder. Check the box Trust the authors of all files in the parent folder … and press the button Yes, I trust the authors

  1. Ensure all instances of VSCode are closed in the Dock - this is required to ensure that when it is opened in the steps below it inherits the XTC Tools environment

  2. Use a shell in which the XTC Tools have been setup for command line usage

  3. Change directory to the copied ExampleXCommonCMake directory

  4. Type

    $ open /Applications/Visual\ Studio\

    Note 1: VS Code may open a workspace directory which had been used in a previous session. If this occurs, close the workspace directory with File => Close Folder and open the copied ExampleXCommonCMake directory with File => Open Folder…

    Note 2: If VS Code restarts (for example after a machine reboot) it may not inherit the XTC Tools setup carried out above. If this occurs, close VS Code, and go back to starting VS Code

  5. VS Code may present a dialog box Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder. Check the box Trust the authors of all files in the parent folder … and press the button Yes, I trust the authors

  1. Use a shell in which the XTC Tools have been setup for command line usage

  2. Change directory to the copied ExampleXCommonCMake directory

  3. In the command prompt type

    $ code .

    Note the . character which tells VS Code to use the current directory as a workspace

    Note: If VS Code restarts (for example after a machine reboot) it may not inherit the XTC Tools setup carried out above. If this occurs, close VS Code, and go back to starting VS Code

  4. VS Code may present a dialog box Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder. Check the box Trust the authors of all files in the parent folder … and press the button Yes, I trust the authors


Setup VS Code to use XCommon CMake#

VS Code can be be extended by installing Extensions from the Marketplace. Extensions are provided by Microsoft and by third parties. Both Microsoft and third party extensions are used to use the XTC Tools with VS Code.

Install the CMake Tools extension#

  1. In the copied example directory ensure there is a subdirectory called .vscode and it has a file settings.json, which contains

      "cmake.generator": "Unix Makefiles"

    Note 1: All XCommon CMake based projects require a .vscode subdirectory with a file settings.json, with the above content

    Note 2: VS Code may write additional lines into this file. It may be necessary to delete these lines, particularly if the .vscode directory is copied into a new workspace

    Note 3: The file explorer or command line tools on some systems may default to hide directories which start with a . character. There is normally a way to make these directories visible

  2. Select the Extensions icon on the left-hand Activity bar as shown below

  3. Type cmake tools into the Search Extensions in Marketplace edit box

  4. From the list of extensions presented, selected CMake Tools provided by Microsoft

  5. Press the Install button in this extension

  6. If a pop-up prompt appears over the VS Code top-centre search box with a list box titled: Select a Kit for ….

    1. Click on the [unspecified] option in this list box

    2. Go to Install the Task Runner extension

  7. If this pop-up prompt does not appear or it disappears before a kit has been selected

    1. Go to the CMAKE View in the Primary Sidebar

    2. Select the CMake icon on the left hand side bar

    3. Expand the Configure item, and click on [No Kit Selected]

    4. Click on the pen icon. This is shown below

    5. This will make a pull-down menu appear – select [Unspecified] and then the Configure pulldown will show __unspec__ as shown below


Install the Task Runner extension#

  1. Select the Extensions icon on the left-hand Activity bar

  2. Type Task Runner into the Search Extensions in Marketplace edit box

  3. Select the extension Task Runner by Sana Ajani and press the Install button

VS Code is now set up for use with the XTC Tools. The Setup instructions above should not need to be repeated each time VS Code is started using the steps under starting VS Code

Configure the example#

An XCommon CMake project must be configured before it can be built. This will generate subdirectories which are used in the subsequent build phase.

  1. The Configure step may be performed automatically by VS Code at this point and the OUTPUT window in the Panel will show

  2. If this configure step has not been done, it may be launched by selecting the CMake icon in the Activity bar and clicking on the page icon to the right of the Configure pull-down

  3. Ensure the OUTPUT Window shows the -G Unix Makefiles option to cmake as shown in the figure above. And that the compiler identification reports: The CXX compiler identification is Clang 3.6.0. This is the underlying compiler tool used by the XTC Tools

    Note: If a Configure step is made a second time, reduced text is shown in the OUTPUT Window. The line with -G Unix Makefiles will be shown, but subsequent lines will not. To perform a full “Configure”, delete the generated build directory from the top level of the project and repeat the Configure step

  4. Wait for the Configuring project: … progress message in the bottom Status bar to disappear. A message of the form [cmake] -- Build files have been written to:... will be shown in the OUTPUT Window

  5. A build directory will be created in the workspace directory containing the required files for the subsequent build step

    Note: This build directory may need to be deleted manually if the workspace directory is copied or moved, and the Configure step repeated

Build the example#

This will build the target binary files using the configuration generated in the above steps.

  1. Select the CMake icon on the left-hand Activity bar

  2. Build the configured example by pressing the Build icon to the right of the Build pulldown

  3. The OUTPUT window will show


Running the example#

The example will be run using a VS Code Task

Ensure the .vscode subdirectory contains the file tasks.json with the content

    "tasks": [
            "label": "Run example.xe",
            "command": "xrun",
            "args": [
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
            "problemMatcher": []
            "label": "Flash example.xe",
            "command": "xflash",
            "args": [
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
            "problemMatcher": []
  1. Select the Explorer icon on the left-hand Activity bar

  2. Expand the TASK RUNNER drop-down at the bottom of the Primary Side Bar

  3. Select Run example.xe

  4. The output from the run is shown in the TERMINAL window in the Panel. The text Hello World! will be shown and the LEDs will flash. This program will run until it is terminated by the user.

  5. If the task runs forever (typically when xrun is launched with –io, and the target program never terminates), a spinning symbol will be shown next to the running task info button.

  6. It may be terminated by pressing Ctrl-C in the TERMINAL window or by terminating the TERMINAL in which it is running by clicking on the trash-can icon to the right of the task info button.

    Note: On some systems, when using the trash-can icon, the LEDs may continue to flash due to the way VS Code terminates the xrun process

Flashing the example#

  1. Select the Explorer icon on the left-hand Activity bar

  2. Expand the TASK RUNNER drop-down at the bottom of the Primary Side Bar

  3. Select Flash example.xe

  4. Flash progress is shown in the TERMINAL window in the Panel

Using the TERMINAL#

The TERMINAL in the Panel may be used to run commands interactively. For example xflash or xgdb may be launched from the TERMINAL.