Configuring the command-line environment#

Configure the environment#

The XTC Tools require an operating environment to be setup. This environment is formed with a set of environment variables, and these are used when the tools are searching for header files, libraries and target devices (see Environment).

Click on the Windows Start Icon to open the Start menu, and choose XMOS–>XTC Tools 15.x.y Command Prompt, where x is the minor version of the XTC Tools release, and y is the patch version. This will open a Command Prompt with the environment variables set. All XTC Tools commands must be entered in this Command Prompt.

Open a Terminal window, change to the installation directory and enter the following command:

$ source SetEnv

All XTC Tools commands must be entered in this Terminal.

Open a Terminal window, change to the installation directory and enter the following command:

$ ./SetEnv.command

All XTC Tools commands must be entered in this Terminal.

Check the environment#

All command-line examples in this document use the $ character to illustrate the prompt at which the commands are entered.

Check that the environment has been correctly configured using, xcc --help. Type:

$ xcc --help

This will print some help text summarising the usage of this tool.

Query the XTC Tools version#

To find the XTC Tools version:

$ xcc --version

The reported version should be provided in any bug report.

The build version of individual program within the XTC Tools can be found using their --version option. For example, xcc --version.