Dynamic Range Control#

Dynamic Range Control (DRC) in audio digital signal processing (DSP) refers to the automatic adjustment of an audio signal’s amplitude to reduce its dynamic range - the difference between the loudest and quietest parts of the audio. They include compressors, limiters and clippers, as well as the envelope detectors used to detect the signal level.

Attack and Release Times#

Nearly all DRC modules feature an attack and release time to control the responsiveness of the module to changes in signal level. Attack and release times converted from seconds to alpha coefficients for use in the the exponential moving average calculation. The shorter the attack or release time, the bigger the alpha. Large alpha will result in the envelope becoming more reactive to the input samples. Small alpha values will give more smoothed behaviour. The difference between the input level and the current envelope or gain determines whether the attack or release alpha is used.

Envelope Detectors#

Envelope detectors run an exponential moving average (EMA) of the incoming signal. They are used as a part of the most DRC components. They can also be used to implement VU meters and level detectors.

They feature attack and release times to control the responsiveness of the envelope detector.

The C struct below is used for all the envelope detector implementations.

struct env_detector_t#

Envelope detector state structure.

Public Members

q1_31 attack_alpha#

Attack alpha

q1_31 release_alpha#

Release alpha

int32_t envelope#

Current envelope

Peak Envelope Detector#

A peak-based envelope detector will run its EMA using the absolute value of the input sample.

void adsp_env_detector_peak(env_detector_t *env_det, int32_t new_sample)#

Update the envelope detector peak with a new sample.

  • env_det – Envelope detector object

  • new_sample – New sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.drc.envelope_detector_peak(fs, n_chans, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

Envelope detector that follows the absolute peak value of a signal.

The attack time sets how fast the envelope detector ramps up. The release time sets how fast the envelope detector ramps down.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.


Attack time of the envelope detector in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the envelope detector in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Current envelope value for each channel for floating point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


current envelope value for each channel in 32-bit int format.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the peak envelope for a signal, using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the updated envelope. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope to zero.

RMS Envelope Detector#

An RMS-based envelope detector will run its EMA using the square of the input sample. It returns the mean² in order to avoid a square root.

void adsp_env_detector_rms(env_detector_t *env_det, int32_t new_sample)#

Update the envelope detector RMS with a new sample.

  • env_det – Envelope detector object

  • new_sample – New sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.drc.envelope_detector_rms(fs, n_chans, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

Envelope detector that follows the RMS value of a signal.

Note this returns the mean² value, there is no need to do the sqrt() as if the output is converted to dB, 10log10() can be taken instead of 20log10().

The attack time sets how fast the envelope detector ramps up. The release time sets how fast the envelope detector ramps down.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.


Attack time of the envelope detector in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the envelope detector in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Current envelope value for each channel for floating point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


current envelope value for each channel in 32-bit int format.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the RMS envelope for a signal, using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the updated envelope. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.

Note this returns the mean² value, there is no need to do the sqrt() as if the output is converted to dB, 10log10() can be taken instead of 20log10().


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope to zero.


A clipper limits the signal to a specified threshold. It is applied instantaneously, so has no attack or release times.

typedef int32_t clipper_t#

Clipper state structure. Should be initilised with the linear threshold.

int32_t adsp_clipper(clipper_t clip, int32_t new_samp)#

Process a new sample with a clipper.

  • clip – Clipper object

  • new_samp – New sample


int32_t Clipped sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.drc.clipper(fs, n_chans, threshold_db, Q_sig=27)

A simple clipper that limits the signal to a specified threshold.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.


Threshold above which clipping occurs in dB.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The threshold in decibels; changing this property also updates the fixed and floating point thresholds in linear gain.


Value above which clipping occurs for floating point processing.


Value above which clipping occurs for int32 fixed point processing.

process(sample, channel=0)

Take one new sample and return the clipped sample, using floating point maths. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Limiters will reduce the amplitude of a signal when the signal envelope is greater than the desired threshold. This is similar behaviour to a compressor with an infinite ratio.

A limiter will run an internal envelope detector to get the signal envelope, then compare it to the threshold. If the envelope is greater than the threshold, the applied gain will be reduced. If the envelope is below the threshold, unity gain will be applied. The gain is run through an EMA to avoid abrupt changes. The same attack and release times are used for the envelope detector and the gain smoothing.

The C struct below is used for all the limiter implementations.

struct limiter_t#

Limiter state structure.

Public Members

env_detector_t env_det#

Envelope detector

int32_t threshold#

Linear threshold

int32_t gain#

Linear gain

Peak Limiter#

A peak limiter uses the Peak Envelope Detector to get an envelope. When envelope is above the threshold, the new gain is calculated as threshold / envelope.

int32_t adsp_limiter_peak(limiter_t *lim, int32_t new_samp)#

Process a new sample with a peak limiter.

  • lim – Limiter object

  • new_samp – New sample


int32_t Limited sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.drc.limiter_peak(fs, n_chans, threshold_db, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

A limiter based on the peak value of the signal. When the peak envelope of the signal exceeds the threshold, the signal amplitude is reduced.

The threshold set the value above which limiting occurs. The attack time sets how fast the limiter starts limiting. The release time sets how long the signal takes to ramp up to its original level after the envelope is below the threshold.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of parallel channels the compressor/limiter runs on. The channels are limited/compressed separately, only the constant parameters are shared.


Threshold in decibels above which limiting occurs.


Attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for floating point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for floating point processing.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for int32 fixed point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for int32 fixed point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


function pointer to floating point gain calculation function.


function pointer to fixed point gain calculation function.


The threshold in decibels; changing this property also updates the fixed and floating point thresholds in linear gain.


Peak envelope detector object used to calculate the envelope of the signal.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the envelope for a signal, then calculate and apply the required gain for compression/limiting, using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the compressed/limited sample. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope detector to 0 and the gain to 1.

Hard Peak Limiter#

A hard peak limiter is similar to a Peak Limiter, but will clip the output if it’s still above the threshold after the peak limiter. This can be useful for a final output limiter before truncating any headroom bits.

int32_t adsp_hard_limiter_peak(limiter_t *lim, int32_t new_samp)#

Process a new sample with a hard limiter peak.

  • lim – Limiter object

  • new_samp – New sample


int32_t Limited sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.drc.hard_limiter_peak(fs, n_chans, threshold_db, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

A limiter based on the peak value of the signal. When the peak envelope of the signal exceeds the threshold, the signal amplitude is reduced. If the signal still exceeds the threshold, it is clipped.

The threshold set the value above which limiting/clipping occurs. The attack time sets how fast the limiter starts limiting. The release time sets how long the signal takes to ramp up to it’s original level after the envelope is below the threshold.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of parallel channels the compressor/limiter runs on. The channels are limited/compressed separately, only the constant parameters are shared.


Threshold in decibels above which limiting occurs.


Attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for floating point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for floating point processing.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for int32 fixed point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for int32 fixed point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


function pointer to floating point gain calculation function.


function pointer to fixed point gain calculation function.


The threshold in decibels; changing this property also updates the fixed and floating point thresholds in linear gain.


Peak envelope detector object used to calculate the envelope of the signal.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the envelope for a signal, then calculate and apply the required gain for limiting, using floating point maths. If the output signal exceeds the threshold, clip it to the threshold.

Take one new sample and return the limited sample. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope detector to 0 and the gain to 1.

RMS Limiter#

A RMS limiter uses the RMS Envelope Detector to calculate an envelope. When envelope is above the threshold, the new gain is calculated as sqrt(threshold / envelope).

int32_t adsp_limiter_rms(limiter_t *lim, int32_t new_samp)#

Process a new sample with an RMS limiter.

  • lim – Limiter object

  • new_samp – New sample


int32_t Limited sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.drc.limiter_rms(fs, n_chans, threshold_db, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

A limiter based on the RMS value of the signal. When the RMS envelope of the signal exceeds the threshold, the signal amplitude is reduced.

The threshold set the value above which limiting occurs. The attack time sets how fast the limiter starts limiting. The release time sets how long the signal takes to ramp up to its original level after the envelope is below the threshold.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of parallel channels the compressor/limiter runs on. The channels are limited/compressed separately, only the constant parameters are shared.


Threshold in decibels above which limiting occurs.


Attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for floating point processing. Note the threshold is saved in the power domain, as the RMS envelope detector returns x².


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for floating point processing.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for int32 fixed point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for int32 fixed point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


function pointer to floating point gain calculation function.


function pointer to fixed point gain calculation function.


RMS envelope detector object used to calculate the envelope of the signal.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the envelope for a signal, then calculate and apply the required gain for compression/limiting, using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the compressed/limited sample. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope detector to 0 and the gain to 1.


A compressor will attenuate the signal when the envelope is greater than the threshold. The input/output relationship above the threshold is defined by the compressor ratio.

As with a limiter, the compressor runs an internal envelope detector to get the signal envelope, then compares it to the threshold. If the envelope is greater than the threshold, the gain will be proportionally reduced by the ratio, such that it is greater than the threshold by a smaller amount. If the envelope is below the threshold, unity gain will be applied. The gain is then run through an EMA to avoid abrupt changes, before being applied.

The ratio defines the input/output gradient in the logarithmic domain. For example, a ratio of 2 will reduce the output gain by 0.5 dB for every 1 dB the envelope is over the threshold. A ratio of 1 will apply no compression. To avoid converting the envelope to the logarithmic domain for the gain calculation, the ratio is converted to the slope as (1 - 1 / ratio) / 2 . The gain can then be calculated as an exponential in the linear domain.

The C struct below is used for all the compressors implementations.

struct compressor_t#

Compressor state structure.

Public Members

env_detector_t env_det#

Envelope detector

int32_t threshold#

Linear threshold

int32_t gain#

Linear gain

float slope#

Slope of the compression curve

RMS Compressor#

The RMS compressor uses the RMS Envelope Detector to calculate an envelope. When the envelope is above the threshold, the new gain is calculated as (threshold / envelope) ^ slope.

int32_t adsp_compressor_rms(compressor_t *comp, int32_t new_samp)#

Process a new sample with an RMS compressor.

  • comp – Compressor object

  • new_samp – New sample


int32_t Compressed sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.drc.compressor_rms(fs, n_chans, ratio, threshold_db, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

A compressor based on the RMS value of the signal. When the RMS envelope of the signal exceeds the threshold, the signal amplitude is reduced by the compression ratio.

The threshold sets the value above which compression occurs. The ratio sets how much the signal is compressed. A ratio of 1 results in no compression, while a ratio of infinity results in the same behaviour as a limiter. The attack time sets how fast the compressor starts compressing. The release time sets how long the signal takes to ramp up to it’s original level after the envelope is below the threshold.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of parallel channels the compressor/limiter runs on. The channels are limited/compressed separately, only the constant parameters are shared.


Compression gain ratio applied when the signal is above the threshold


Threshold in decibels above which limiting occurs.


Attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for floating point processing. Note the threshold is saved in the power domain, as the RMS envelope detector returns x².


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for floating point processing.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for int32 fixed point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for int32 fixed point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


function pointer to floating point gain calculation function.


function pointer to fixed point gain calculation function.


RMS envelope detector object used to calculate the envelope of the signal.


Compression gain ratio applied when the signal is above the threshold; changing this property also updates the slope used in the fixed and floating point implementation.


The slope factor of the compressor, defined as slope = (1 - 1/ratio) / 2.


The slope factor of the compressor, used for int32 to float32 processing.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the envelope for a signal, then calculate and apply the required gain for compression/limiting, using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the compressed/limited sample. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope detector to 0 and the gain to 1.

Sidechain RMS Compressor#

The sidechain RMS compressor calculates the envelope of one signal and uses it to compress another signal. It takes two signals: detect and input. The envelope of the detect signal is calculated using an internal RMS Envelope Detector. The gain is calculated in the same way as a RMS Compressor, but the gain is then applied to the input sample. This can be used to reduce the level of the input signal when the detect signal gets above the threshold.

int32_t adsp_compressor_rms_sidechain(compressor_t *comp, int32_t input_samp, int32_t detect_samp)#

Process a new sample with a sidechain RMS compressor.

  • comp – Compressor object

  • input_samp – Input sample

  • detect_samp – Sidechain sample


int32_t Compressed sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.sidechain.compressor_rms_sidechain_mono(fs, ratio, threshold_db, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

A mono sidechain compressor based on the RMS value of the signal. When the RMS envelope of the signal exceeds the threshold, the signal amplitude is reduced by the compression ratio.

The threshold sets the value above which compression occurs. The ratio sets how much the signal is compressed. A ratio of 1 results in no compression, while a ratio of infinity results in the same behaviour as a limiter. The attack time sets how fast the compressor starts compressing. The release time sets how long the signal takes to ramp up to it’s original level after the envelope is below the threshold.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Compression gain ratio applied when the signal is above the threshold


Threshold in decibels above which limiting occurs.


Attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for floating point processing. Note the threshold is saved in the power domain, as the RMS envelope detector returns x².


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for floating point processing.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Value above which compression/limiting occurs for int32 fixed point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for int32 fixed point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


function pointer to floating point gain calculation function.


function pointer to fixed point gain calculation function.


RMS envelope detector object used to calculate the envelope of the signal.


Compression gain ratio applied when the signal is above the threshold; changing this property also updates the slope used in the fixed and floating point implementation.


The slope factor of the compressor, defined as slope = (1 - 1/ratio) / 2.


The slope factor of the compressor, used for int32 to float32 processing.

process(input_sample: float, detect_sample: float)

Update the envelope for the detection signal, then calculate and apply the required gain for compression/limiting, and apply to the input signal using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the compressed/limited sample. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be compressed.


The sample used by the envelope detector to determine the amount of compression to apply to the input_sample.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope detectors to 0 and the gain to 1.


An expander attenuates a signal when the envelope is below the threshold. This increases the dynamic range of the signal, and can be used to attenuate quiet signals, such as low level noise.

Like limiters and compressors, an expander will run an internal envelope detector to calculate the envelope and compare it to the threshold. If the envelope is below the threshold, the applied gain will be reduced. If the envelope is greater than the threshold, unity gain will be applied. The gain is run through an EMA to avoid abrupt changes. The same attack and release times are used for the envelope detector and the gain smoothing. In an expander, the attack time is defined as the speed at which the gain returns to unity after the signal has been below the threshold.

Noise Gate#

A noise gate uses the Peak Envelope Detector to calculate the envelope of the input signal. When the envelope is below the threshold, a gain of 0 is applied to the input signal. Otherwise, unity gain is applied.

typedef limiter_t noise_gate_t#

Noise gate state structure.

int32_t adsp_noise_gate(noise_gate_t *ng, int32_t new_samp)#

Process a new sample with a noise gate.

  • ng – Noise gate object

  • new_samp – New sample


int32_t Gated sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.expander.noise_gate(fs, n_chans, threshold_db, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

A noise gate that reduces the level of an audio signal when it falls below a threshold.

When the signal envelope falls below the threshold, the gain applied to the signal is reduced to 0 (based on the release time). When the envelope returns above the threshold, the gain applied to the signal is increased to 1 over the attack time.

The initial state of the noise gate is with the gate open (no attenuation), assuming a full scale signal has been present before t = 0.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


number of parallel channels the expander runs on. The channels are expanded separately, only the constant parameters are shared.


Threshold in decibels below which expansion occurs. This cannot be greater than the maximum value representable in Q_SIG format, and will saturate to that value.


Attack time of the expander in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the expander in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Value below which expanding occurs for floating point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for floating point processing.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Value below which expanding occurs for int32 fixed point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for int32 fixed point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


function pointer to floating point gain calculation function.


function pointer to fixed point gain calculation function.


The threshold in decibels; changing this property also updates the fixed and floating point thresholds in linear gain.


Peak envelope detector object used to calculate the envelope of the signal.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the envelope for a signal, then calculate and apply the required gain for expanding, using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the expanded sample. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope detector to 1 and the gain to 1, so the gate starts off.

Noise Suppressor/Expander#

A basic expander can also be used as a noise suppressor. It uses the Peak Envelope Detector to calculate the envelope of the input signal. When the envelope is below the threshold, the gain of the signal is reduced according to the ratio. Otherwise, unity gain is applied.

Like a compressor, the ratio defines the input/output gradient in the logarithmic domain. For example, a ratio of 2 will reduce the output gain by 0.5 dB for every 1 dB the envelope is below the threshold. A ratio of 1 will apply no gain changes. To avoid converting the envelope to the logarithmic domain for the gain calculation, the ratio is converted to the slope as (1 - ratio). The gain can then be calculated as an exponential in the linear domain.

For speed, some parameters such as inv_threshold are computed at initialisation to simplify run-time computation.

struct noise_suppressor_expander_t#

Public Members

env_detector_t env_det#

Envelope detector

int32_t threshold#

Linear threshold

int64_t inv_threshold#

Inverse threshold

int32_t gain#

Linear gain

float slope#

Slope of the noise suppression curve

int32_t adsp_noise_suppressor_expander(noise_suppressor_expander_t *nse, int32_t new_samp)#

Process a new sample with a noise suppressor (expander)

  • nse – Noise suppressor (Expander) object

  • new_samp – New sample


int32_t Suppressed sample

class audio_dsp.dsp.drc.expander.noise_suppressor_expander(fs, n_chans, ratio, threshold_db, attack_t, release_t, Q_sig=27)

A noise suppressor that reduces the level of an audio signal when it falls below a threshold. This is also known as an expander.

When the signal envelope falls below the threshold, the gain applied to the signal is reduced relative to the expansion ratio over the release time. When the envelope returns above the threshold, the gain applied to the signal is increased to 1 over the attack time.

The initial state of the noise suppressor is with the suppression off, assuming a full scale signal has been present before t = 0.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


number of parallel channels the expander runs on. The channels are expanded separately, only the constant parameters are shared.


The expansion ratio applied to the signal when the envelope falls below the threshold.


Threshold in decibels below which expansion occurs. This cannot be greater than the maximum value representable in Q_SIG format, and will saturate to that value.


Attack time of the expander in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large attack times may converge to zero.

release_t: float

Release time of the expander in seconds. This cannot be faster than 2/fs seconds, and saturates to that value. Exceptionally large release times may converge to zero.

Q_sig: int, optional

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point. Defaults to Q4.27.


Sampling frequency in Hz.


Number of channels the block runs on.

Q_sig: int

Q format of the signal, number of bits after the decimal point.


The attack time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


The release time of the compressor/limiter in seconds; changing this property also sets the EWM alpha values for fixed and floating point implementations.


Value below which expanding occurs for floating point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for floating point processing.


Attack time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Release time parameter used for exponential moving average in floating point processing.


Value below which expanding occurs for int32 fixed point processing.


Current gain to be applied to the signal for each channel for int32 fixed point processing.


attack_alpha in 32-bit int format.


release_alpha in 32-bit int format.


function pointer to floating point gain calculation function.


function pointer to fixed point gain calculation function.


The threshold in decibels; changing this property also updates the fixed and floating point thresholds in linear gain.


Peak envelope detector object used to calculate the envelope of the signal.


Expansion gain ratio applied when the signal is below the threshold; changing this property also updates the slope used in the fixed and floating point implementation.


The slope factor of the expander, defined as slope = 1 - ratio.


The slope factor of the expander, used for int32 to float32 processing.

process(sample, channel=0)

Update the envelope for a signal, then calculate and apply the required gain for expanding, using floating point maths.

Take one new sample and return the expanded sample. Input should be scaled with 0 dB = 1.0.


The input sample to be processed.

channelint, optional

The channel index to process the sample on. Default is 0.


The processed sample.


Reset the envelope detector to 1 and the gain to 1, so the gate starts off.