Pipeline Design API#

This page describes the C and Python APIs that will be needed when using the pipeline design utility.

When designing a pipeline first create an instance of Pipeline, add threads to it with Pipeline.add_thread(). Then add DSP stages such as Biquad using CompositeStage.stage(). The pipeline can be visualised in a Jupyter Notebook using Pipeline.draw() and the xcore source code for the pipeline can be generated using generate_dsp_main().

Once the code is generated use the functions defined in stages/adsp_pipeline.h to read and write samples to the pipeline and update configuration fields.

C Design API#


The control API for the generated DSP.

These functions can be executed on any thread which is on the same tile as the generated DSP threads.


enum adsp_control_status_t#

Control status.



Command succesfully executed.


Stage has not yet processed the command, call again.


void adsp_controller_init(adsp_controller_t *ctrl, adsp_pipeline_t *pipeline)#

Create a DSP controller instance for a particular pipeline.

  • ctrl – The controller instance to initialise.

  • pipeline – The DSP pipeline that will be controlled with this controller.

adsp_control_status_t adsp_read_module_config(adsp_controller_t *ctrl, adsp_stage_control_cmd_t *cmd)#

Initiate a read command by passing in an intialised adsp_stage_control_cmd_t.

Must be called repeatedly with the same cmd until ADSP_CONTROL_SUCCESS is returned. If the caller abandons the attempt to read before SUCCESS is returned then this will leave the stage in a state where it can never be read from again.



adsp_control_status_t adsp_write_module_config(adsp_controller_t *ctrl, adsp_stage_control_cmd_t *cmd)#

Initiate a write command by passing in an initialised adsp_stage_control_cmd_t.

Must be called repeatedly with the same cmd until ADSP_CONTROL_SUCCESS is returned.



void adsp_control_xscope_register_probe()#

Default xscope setup function.

Sets up a single xscope probe with name ADSP, type XSCOPE_CONTINUOUS, and datatype XSCOPE_UINT. Should be called within xscope_user_init().

chanend_t adsp_control_xscope_init()#

Creates an xscope chanend and connects it to the host. Must be called on the same tile as the DSP pipeline.



adsp_control_status_t adsp_control_xscope_process(chanend_t c_xscope, adsp_controller_t *ctrl)#

Process an xscope chanend containing a control command from the host.

  • c_xscope – A chanend which has been connected to the host.

  • ctrl – An instance of adsp_controller_t which has been initialised to control the DSP pipeline.



void adsp_control_xscope(adsp_pipeline_t *adsp)#

Creates an xscope handler thread for ADSP control.

Handles all xscope traffic and calls to adsp_read_module_config and adsp_write_module_config. If the application already uses xscope, do not call this function; instead, identify host-to-device packets by the ADSP header and pass them to adsp_control_xscope_process manually.

  • adsp – The DSP pipeline that will be controlled with this xscope thread.

struct adsp_stage_control_cmd_t#
#include <adsp_control.h>

The command to execute. Specifies which stage, what command and contains the buffer to read from or write to.

Public Members

uint8_t instance_id#

The ID of the stage to target. Consider setting the label parameter in the pipeline definition to ensure that a usable identifier gets generated for using with control.

uint8_t cmd_id#

“See the generated cmds.h for the available commands. Make sure to use a command which is supported for the target stage.

uint16_t payload_len#

Length of the command in bytes.

void *payload#

The buffer. Must be set to a valid array of size payload_len before calling the read or write functions.

struct adsp_controller_t#
#include <adsp_control.h>

Object used to control a DSP pipeline.

As there may be multiple threads attempting to interact with the DSP pipeline at the same time, a separate instance of adsp_controller_t must be used by each to ensure that control can proceed safely.

Initialise each instance of adsp_controller_t with adsp_controller_init.

Private Members

module_instance_t *modules#
size_t num_modules#


Defines the generic structs that will hold the state and control configuration for each stage.


enum config_rw_state_t#

Control states, used to communicate between DSP and control threads to notify when control needs processing.


enumerator config_read_pending#

Control waiting to read the updated config from DSP.

enumerator config_write_pending#

Config written by control and waiting for DSP to update.

enumerator config_read_updated#

Stage has succesfully consumed a read command.

enumerator config_none_pending#

All done. Control and DSP not waiting on anything.

struct module_control_t#
#include <adsp_module.h>

Control related information shared between control thread and DSP.

Public Members

void *config#

Pointer to a stage-specific config struct which is used by the control thread.

uint32_t id#

Unique module identifier assigned by the host.

uint32_t num_control_commands#

The number of control commands for this stage.

uint8_t module_type#

Identifies the stage type. Each type of stage has a unique identifier.

uint8_t cmd_id#

Is set to the current command being processed.

config_rw_state_t config_rw_state#
intptr_t current_controller#

id of the current control object that requested a read, do not modify.

swlock_t lock#

lock used by controlling threads to manage access

struct module_instance_t#
#include <adsp_module.h>

The entire state of a stage in the pipeline.

Public Members

void *state#

Pointer to the module’s state memory.

module_control_t control#

Module’s control state.

void *constants#


Generated pipeline interface. Use the source and sink functions defined here to send samples to the generated DSP and receive processed samples back.


static inline void adsp_pipeline_source(adsp_pipeline_t *adsp, int32_t **data)#

Pass samples into the DSP pipeline.

These samples are sent by value to the other thread, therefore the data buffer can be reused immediately after this function returns.

  • adsp – The initialised pipeline.

  • data – An array of arrays of samples. The length of the array shall be the number of pipeline input channels. Each array contained within shall be contain a frame of samples large enough to pass to the stage that it is connected to.

static inline void adsp_pipeline_sink(adsp_pipeline_t *adsp, int32_t **data)#

Receive samples from the DSP pipeline.

  • adsp – The initialised pipeline.

  • data – An array of arrays that will be filled with processed samples from the pipeline. The length of the array shall be the number of pipeline input channels. Each array contained within shall be contain a frame of samples large enough to pass to the stage that it is connected to.

static inline bool adsp_pipeline_sink_nowait(adsp_pipeline_t *adsp, int32_t **data)#

Non-blocking receive from the pipeline. It is risky to use this API in an isochronous application as the sink thread can lose synchronisation with the source thread which can cause the source thread to block.

  • adsp – The initialised pipeline.

  • data – See adsp_pipeline_sink for details of same named param.

Return values:
  • true – The data buffer has been filled with new values from the pipeline.

  • false – The pipeline has not produced any more data. The data buffer was untouched.

struct adsp_pipeline_t#
#include <adsp_pipeline.h>

The DSP pipeline.

The generated pipeline will contain an init function that returns a pointer to one of these. It can be used to send data in and out of the pipeline, and also execute control commands.

Public Members

module_instance_t *modules#

Array of DSP stage states, must be used when calling one of the control functions.

size_t n_modules#

Number of modules in the adsp_pipeline_t::modules array.

Private Members

channel_t *p_in#
size_t n_in#
channel_t *p_out#
size_t n_out#
adsp_mux_t input_mux#
adsp_mux_t output_mux#

Python Design API#


Utility functions for building and running the application within the Jupyter notebook.

class audio_dsp.design.build_utils.XCommonCMakeHelper(source_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, build_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, bin_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, project_name: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None)

This class packages a set of helper utilities for configuring, building, and running xcore applications using xcommon-cmake within Python.

source_dirstr | pathlib.Path | None

Specify a source directory for this build, passed as the -S parameter to CMake. If None passed or unspecified, defaults to the current working directory.

build_dirstr | pathlib.Path | None

Specify a build directory for this build, passed as the -B parameter to CMake. If None passed or unspecified, defaults to “build” within the current working directory.

bin_dirstr | pathlib.Path | None

Specify a binary output directory for this build. This should match what is configured to be the output directory from “cmake –build” within the application. If None passed or unspecified, defaults to “bin” within the current working directory.

project_namestr | None

The name of the project() specified in the project’s CMakeLists.txt. If None or unspecified, defaults to the name of the current working directory (so if in /app_example_name/, the project name is assumed to be app_example_name).

config_namestr | None

The name of the configuration to use from the project’s CMakeLists.txt. If None or unspecified, defaults to nothing - therefore the –target option to CMake will be just the project name, and the output binary will be assumed to be “<current working directory>/<bin_dir>/<project_name>.xe”. If specified, the –target option to CMake will be “<project name>_<config name>”, and the output binary will be assumed to be “<current working directory>/<bin_dir>/<config_name>/<project name>_<config name>.xe”.

build() int

Invoke CMake’s build with the options specified in this class instance. Invokation will be of the form “cmake –build <build_dir> –target <target_name>”, where the target name is constructed as per this class’ docstring.


Return code from the invokation of CMake. 0 if success.

configure() int | None

Invoke CMake with the options specified in this class instance. Invokation will be of the form “cmake -S <source_dir> -B <build_dir>”. On first run, the invokation will also contain “-G <generator>”, where “generator” will be either “Ninja” if Ninja is present on the current system or “Unix Makefiles” if it is not.


Return code from the invokation of CMake. 0 if success.

configure_build_run(xscope: bool = True) None

Run, in order, this class’ .configure(), .build(), and .run() methods. If any return code from any of the three is nonzero, returns early. Otherwise, sleeps for 5 seconds after the .run() stage and prints “Done!”.


Passed directly to the call to .run(); determines whether to start an xscope server or not.

run(xscope: bool = True, hostname: str = 'localhost', port: str = '12345') int

Invoke xrun with the options specified in this class instance. Invokation will be of the form “xrun <binary>”, where the path to the binary is constructed as per this class’ docstring.


Specify whether to also pass “–xscope-port {hostname}:{port} as an option to the call to xrun.


Hostname to pass to xrun for the xscope server, if xscope is True


Port to pass to xrun for the xscope server, if xscope is True


Return code from the invokation of xrun. 0 if success.


Contains the higher order stage class CompositeStage.

class audio_dsp.design.composite_stage.CompositeStage(graph: Graph, name: str = '')

This is a higher order stage.

Contains stages as well as other composite stages. A thread will be a composite stage. Composite stages allow:

  • drawing the detail with graphviz

  • process

  • frequency response

TODO: - Process method on the composite stage will need to know its inputs and the order of the inputs (which input index corresponds to each input edge). However a CompositeStage doesn’t know all of its inputs when it is created.


instance of graph that all stages in this composite will be added to.


Name of this instance to use when drawing the pipeline, defaults to class name.


Recursively adds composite stages to a dot diagram which is being constructed. Does not add the edges.


dot instance to add edges to.

composite_stage(name: str = '') CompositeStage

Create a new composite stage that will be a included in the current composite. The new stage can have stages added to it dynamically.

contains_stage(stage: Stage) bool

Recursively search self for the stage.


True if this composite contains the stage else False


Draws the stages and edges present in this instance of a composite stage.

get_all_stages() list[audio_dsp.design.stage.Stage]

Get a flat list of all stages contained within this composite stage and the composite stages within.

list of stages.
property o: StageOutputList

Outputs of this composite.

Dynamically computed by searching the graph for edges which originate in this composite and whose destination is outside this composite. Order not currently specified.


Execute the stages in this composite on the host.


Not implemented.

stage(stage_type: Type[_StageOrComposite], inputs: StageOutputList, label: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) _StageOrComposite

Create a new stage or composite stage and register it with this composite stage.


Must be a subclass of Stage or CompositeStage


Edges of the pipeline that will be connected to the newly created stage.


Additional args are forwarded to the stages constructors (__init__)


Newly created stage or composite stage.

stages(stage_types: list[Type[_StageOrComposite]], inputs: StageOutputList) list[_StageOrComposite]

Iterate through the provided stages and connect them linearly.

Returns a list of the created instances.


Basic data structures for managing the pipeline graph.

class audio_dsp.design.graph.Edge

Graph node.


A unique identifier for this node.

sourceNode | None
destNode | None

source and dest are the graph nodes that this edge connects between.

set_dest(node: Node)

Set the dest node of this edge.


The instance to set as the dest.

set_source(node: Node)

Set the source node of this edge.


The instance to set as the source.

class audio_dsp.design.graph.Graph

A container of nodes and edges.


A list of the nodes in this graph.


A list of the edges in this graph.

add_edge(edge) None

Append an edge to this graph.

add_node(node: NodeSubClass) None

Append a node to this graph.

The node’s index attribute is set here and therefore the node may not coexist in multiple graphs.

get_dependency_dict() dict[NodeSubClass, set[NodeSubClass]]

Return a mapping of nodes to their dependencies ready for use with the graphlib utilities.

get_view(nodes: list[NodeSubClass]) Graph[NodeSubClass]

Get a filtered view of the graph, including only the provided nodes and the edges which connect to them.


Lock the graph. Adding nodes or edges to a locked graph will cause a runtime exception. The graph is locked once the pipeline checksum is computed.

sort() tuple[NodeSubClass, ...]

Sort the nodes in the graph based on the order they should be executed. This is determined by looking at the edges in the graph and resolving the order.


Ordered list of nodes

class audio_dsp.design.graph.Node

Graph node.


A unique identifier for this node.

indexNone | int

node index in the graph. This is set by Graph when it is added to the graph.


Script for use at build time to generate header files.

Use as:

python -m audio_dsp.design.parse_config -c CONFIG_DIR -o OUTPUT_DIR

Use the mako templates to build the autogenerated files.


Top level pipeline design class and code generation functions.

class audio_dsp.design.pipeline.Pipeline(n_in, identifier='auto', frame_size=1, fs=48000, generate_xscope_task=False)

Top level class which is a container for a list of threads that are connected in series.


Number of input channels into the pipeline

identifier: string

Unique identifier for this pipeline. This identifier will be included in the generated header file name (as “adsp_generated_<identifier>.h”), the generated source file name (as “adsp_generated_<identifier>.c”), and the pipeline’s generated initialisation and main functions (as “adsp_<identifier>_pipeline_init” and “adsp_<identifier>_pipeline_main”)


Size of the input frame of all input channels


Sample rate of the input channels


Determines whether the generated pipeline automatically instantiates a task to handle tuning over xscope. False by default. If False, the application code will need to explicitly call the “adsp_control_xscope_*” functions defined in adsp_control.h in order to handle tuning over xscope, such as that undertaken by the XScopeTransport() class.


The inputs to the pipeline should be passed as the inputs to the first stages in the pipeline


List of all the threads in the pipeline

pipeline_stagePipelineStage | None

Stage corresponding to the pipeline. Needed for handling pipeline level control commands


Add a PipelineStage stage for the pipeline.

static begin(n_in, identifier='auto', frame_size=1, fs=48000)

Create a new Pipeline and get the attributes required for design.

Pipeline, Thread, StageOutputList

The pipeline instance, the initial thread and the pipeline input edges.

draw(path: Optional[Path] = None)

Render a dot diagram of this pipeline.

If path is not none then the image will be saved to the named file instead of drawing to the jupyter notebook.

executor() PipelineExecutor

Create an executor instance which can be used to simulate the pipeline.

generate_pipeline_hash(threads: list, edges: list)

Generate a hash unique to the pipeline and save it in the ‘checksum’ control field of the pipeline stage.

“threads”: list of [[(stage index, stage type name), …], …] for all threads in the pipeline
“edges”: list of [[[source stage, source index], [dest stage, dest index]], …] for all edges in the pipeline
next_thread() None

Update the thread which stages will be added to.

This will always create a new thread.


Generate a dictionary with all of the information about the thread. Actual stage instances not included.


‘identifier’: string identifier for the pipeline “threads”: list of [[(stage index, stage type name, stage memory use), …], …] for all threads “edges”: list of [[[source stage, source index], [dest stage, dest index]], …] for all edges “configs”: list of dicts containing stage config for each stage. “modules”: list of stage yaml configs for all types of stage that are present “labels”: dictionary {label: instance_id} defining mapping between the user defined stage labels and the index of the stage “xscope”: bool indicating whether or not to create an xscope task for control

set_outputs(output_edges: StageOutputList)

Set the pipeline outputs, configures the output channel index.

output_edgesIterable(None | StageOutput)

configure the output channels and their indices. Outputs of the pipeline will be in the same indices as the input to this function. To have an empty output index, pass in None.

stage(stage_type: Type[audio_dsp.design.stage.Stage | audio_dsp.design.composite_stage.CompositeStage], inputs: StageOutputList, label: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) StageOutputList

Add a new stage to the pipeline.


The type of stage to add.


A StageOutputList containing edges in this pipeline.


An optional label that can be used for tuning and will also be converted into a macro in the generated pipeline. Label must be set if tuning or run time control is required for this stage.

property stages

Flattened list of all the stages in the pipeline.


TODO validate pipeline assumptions.

  • Thread connections must not lead to a scenario where the pipeline hangs

  • Stages must fit on thread

  • feedback must be within a thread (future)

  • All edges have the same fs and frame_size (until future enhancements)

class audio_dsp.design.pipeline.PipelineStage(**kwargs)

Stage for the pipelne. Does not support processing of data through it. Only used for pipeline level control commands, for example, querying the pipeline checksum.


Override the CompositeStage.add_to_dot() function to ensure PipelineStage type stages are not added to the dot diagram.

dot instance to add edges to.

Decorate functions to ensure they only execute once despite being called multiple times.

audio_dsp.design.pipeline.generate_dsp_main(pipeline: Pipeline, out_dir='build/dsp_pipeline')

Generate the source code for adsp_generated_<x>.c.


The pipeline to generate code for.


Directory to store generated code in.


Utilities for processing the pipeline on the host machine.

class audio_dsp.design.pipeline_executor.ExecutionResult(result: ndarray, fs: float)

The result of processing samples through the pipeline.


The data produced by the pipeline.


sample rate


ndarray containing the results of the pipeline.


Sample rate.

play(channel: int)

Create a widget in the jupyter notebook to listen to the audio.


This will not work outside of a jupyter notebook.


The channel to listen to.

plot(path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None)

Display a time domain plot of the result. Save to file if path is not None.


If path is not none then the plot will be saved to a file and not shown.

plot_magnitude_spectrum(path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None)

Display a spectrum plot of the result. Save to file if path is not None.


If path is not none then the plot will be saved to a file and not shown.

plot_spectrogram(path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None)

Display a spectrogram plot of the result. Save to file if path is not None.


If path is not none then the plot will be saved to a file and not shown.

to_wav(path: str | pathlib.Path)

Save output to a wav file.

class audio_dsp.design.pipeline_executor.PipelineExecutor(graph: Graph[Stage], view_getter: Callable[[], PipelineView])

Utility for simulating the pipeline.


The pipeline graph to simulate

log_chirp(length_s: float = 0.5, amplitude: float = 1, start: float = 20, stop: Optional[float] = None) ExecutionResult

Generate a logarithmic chirp of constant amplitude and play through the simulated pipeline.


Length of generated chirp in seconds.


Amplitude of the generated chirp, between 0 and 1.


Start frequency.


Stop frequency. Nyquist if not set


The output wrapped in a helpful container for viewing, saving, processing, etc.

process(data: ndarray) ExecutionResult

Process the DSP pipeline on the host.


Pipeline input to process through the pipeline. The shape must match the number of channels that the pipeline expects as an input; if this is 1 then it may be a 1 dimensional array. Otherwise, it must have shape (num_samples, num_channels).


A result object that can be used to visualise or save the output.

class audio_dsp.design.pipeline_executor.PipelineView(stages: Optional[list[audio_dsp.design.stage.Stage]], inputs: list[audio_dsp.design.stage.StageOutput], outputs: list[audio_dsp.design.stage.StageOutput])

A view of the DSP pipeline that is used by PipelineExecutor.

inputs: list[audio_dsp.design.stage.StageOutput]

Alias for field number 1

outputs: list[audio_dsp.design.stage.StageOutput]

Alias for field number 2

stages: Optional[list[audio_dsp.design.stage.Stage]]

Alias for field number 0


Helper functions for displaying plots in the jupyter notebook pipeline design.

audio_dsp.design.plot.plot_frequency_response(f, h, name='', range=50)

Plot the frequency response.


Frequencies (The X axis)


Frequency response at the corresponding frequencies in f


String to include in the plot title, if not set there will be no title.

rangeint | float

Set the Y axis lower limit in dB, upper limit will be the maximum magnitude.


The edges and nodes for a DSP pipeline.

class audio_dsp.design.stage.PropertyControlField(get, set=None)

For stages which have internal state they can register callbacks for getting and setting control fields.

property value

The current value of this control field.

Determined by executing the getter method.

class audio_dsp.design.stage.Stage(inputs: StageOutputList, config: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, label: Optional[str] = None)

Base class for stages in the DSP pipeline. Each subclass should have a corresponding C implementation. Enables code generation, tuning and simulation of a stage.

The stages config can be written and read using square brackets as with a dictionary. This is shown in the below example, note that the config field must have been declared in the stages yaml file.

self[“config_field”] = 2 assert self[“config_field”] == 2

configstr | Path

Path to yaml file containing the stage definition for this stage. Config parameters are derived from this config file.


Pipeline edges to connect to self


Name of the stage. Passed instead of config when the stage does not have an associated config yaml file


User defined label for the stage. Used for autogenerating a define for accessing the stage’s index in the device code


This stages inputs.

fsint | None

Sample rate.

frame_sizeint | None

Samples in frame.


Stage name determined from config file


config parsed from the config file


User specified label for the stage


number of inputs


number of outputs


Dictionary of descriptive details which can be displayed to describe current tuning of this stage

dsp_blockNone | audio_dsp.dsp.generic.dsp_block

This will point to a dsp block class (e.g. biquad etc), to be set by the child class


Add this stage to a diagram that is being constructed. Does not add the edges.


dot instance to add edges to.

property constants

Get a copy of the constants for this stage.


Create this stages outputs.


number of outputs to create.


Get a dictionary containing the current value of the control fields which have been set.


current control fields

get_frequency_response(nfft=512) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Return the frequency response of this instance’s dsp_block attribute.


The length of the FFT

ndarray, ndarray

Frequency values, Frequency response for this stage.


Calculate the required statically-allocated memory in bytes for this stage. Formats this into a compile-time determinable expression.

compile-time determinable expression of required allocator size.
property o: StageOutputList

This stage’s outputs. Use this object to connect this stage to the next stage in the pipeline. Subclass must call self.create_outputs() for this to exist.


Plot magnitude and phase response of this stage using matplotlib. Will be displayed inline in a jupyter notebook.


Number of frequency bins to calculate in the fft.


Run dsp object on the input channels and return the output.


in_channels: list of numpy arrays

list of numpy arrays.
set_constant(field, value, value_type)

Define constant values in the stage. These will be hard coded in the autogenerated code and cannot be changed at runtime.


name of the field

valuendarray or int or float or list

value of the constant. This can be an array or scalar

set_control_field_cb(field, getter, setter=None)

Register callbacks for getting and setting control fields, to be called by classes which implement stage.


name of the field


A function which returns the current value


A function which accepts 1 argument that will be used as the new value

class audio_dsp.design.stage.StageOutput(fs=48000, frame_size=1)

The Edge of a dsp pipeline.


Edge sample rate Hz


Number of samples per frame


Inherited from Edge


Inherited from Edge

source_indexint | None

The index of the edge connection to source.


see fs parameter


see frame_size parameter

property dest_index: int | None

The index of the edge connection to the dest.

class audio_dsp.design.stage.StageOutputList(edges: Optional[list[audio_dsp.design.stage.StageOutput | None]] = None)

A container of StageOutput.

A stage output list will be created whenever a stage is added to the pipeline. It is unlikely that a StageOutputList will have to be explicitly created during pipeline design. However the indexing and combining methods shown in the example will be used to create new StageOutputList instances.


list of StageOutput to create this list from.


This example shows how to combine StageOutputList in various ways:

# a and b are StageOutputList
a = some_stage.o
b = other_stage.o

# concatenate them
a + b

# Choose a single channel from 'a'

# Choose channels 0 and 3 from 'a'
a[0, 3]

# Choose a slice of channels from 'a', start:stop:step

# Combine channels 0 and 3 from 'a', and 2 from 'b'
a[0, 3] + b[2]

# Join 'a' and 'b', with a placeholder "None" in between
a + None + b

To access the actual edges contained within this list then read from the edges attribute. All methods in this class return new StageOutputList instances (even when the length is 1).

class audio_dsp.design.stage.ValueControlField(value=None)

Simple field which can be updated directly.

audio_dsp.design.stage.all_stages() dict[str, Type[audio_dsp.design.stage.Stage]]

Get a dict containing all stages in scope.


Find the config yaml file for a stage by looking for it in the default directory for built in stages.


Name of stage, e.g. a stage whose config is saved in “biquad.yaml” should pass in “biquad”.


Path to the config file.


Contains classes for adding a thread to the DSP pipeline.

class audio_dsp.design.thread.DSPThreadStage(**kwargs)

Stage for the DSP thread. Does not support processing of data through it. Only used for DSP thread level control commands, for example, querying the max cycles consumed by the thread.


Exclude this stage from the dot diagram.


dot instance to add edges to.

class audio_dsp.design.thread.Thread(id: int, **kwargs)

A composite stage used to represent a thread in the pipeline. Create using Pipeline.thread rather than instantiating directly.


Thread index


forwarded to __init__ of CompositeStage


Thread index


DSPThreadStage stage


Add to this thread the stage which manages thread level commands.