This folder contains the low power control logic and supporting logic.
Filename/Directory |
Description |
low_power_audio_buffer.c |
Implementation of an audio sample ring buffer. Aids in responsiveness to commands during a transition to full power mode. |
low_power_audio_buffer.c |
Header for the low power audio buffer. |
power_control.c |
Implementation of the power control logic. |
power_control.h |
Header for power control logic. |
power_state.c |
Implementation of Tile 1 power state logic. |
power_state.h |
Header for power state logic. |
Major Components#
The power control module provides the application with the following primary API functions:
void power_control_task_create(unsigned priority, void *args);
void power_control_exit_low_power(void);
power_state_t power_control_state_get(void);
void power_control_halt(void);
void power_control_req_low_power(void);
void power_control_ind_complete(void);
Creates and starts the power control task. To be called by each tile.
Applicable only for Tile 1. Begins a transition to full power mode and is intended to be called by the power_state_set() routine.
Applicable only for Tile 1. Gets the current power state.
Applicable only for Tile 1. Halts the power control task. This is provided primarily for end-of-evaluation logic, but severs to terminate the low power logic. When halted, the system remains in full power mode.
Applicable only for Tile 0. Requests a transition to low power mode.
Applicable only for Tile 0. Indication that the last step for preparing for a low power transition has completed and allows the power control task to continue with final steps. This is primarily to ensure the LED indications are up-to-date before driver locks are taken (which include GPIO/LED control).
Power State Components#
The power state module provides the application with the following primary API functions:
void power_state_init();
void power_state_set(power_state_t state);
uint8_t power_state_timer_expired_get(void);
This module is also responsible for providing the base power state datatype (power_state_t) used by other low power logic.
Initializes the power state module. Responsible to initializing the underlying timer that effectively determines whether a low power request by Tile 0 is accepted or rejected.
Used by Tile 1’s application to signal full power events (such as wake word detection or other application-specific events). Used by Tile 1’s power control logic to signal low power only after Tile 0 has requested low power mode and the local timer has expired.
Used by the Tile 1’s power control logic to determine whether to accept or reject a low power request by Tile 0.