AN02019 : Using Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) in USB Audio

1.0.0 2024-12-16 VIEW HTML VIEW PDF ZIP


This application note describes the Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) process for a XMOS USB Audio reference applications.

The DFU implementation in these applications is compliant with version 1.1 of the Universal Serial Bus Device Class Specification for Device Firmware Upgrade.

The information in this note relates to all applications in the USB Audio reference design download (sw_usb_audio). However, for convenience and demonstration, this note also includes a DFU capable USB audio applications for the XK-AUDIO-316-MC board.

On building, two applications binaries are produced: A factory image that the device should be flashed with initially and an upgrade image that is used for demonstrating the DFU operation. The factory and upgrade images differ in their bcdDevice version. This allows the user to quickly verify the success of the upgrade process by checking the bcdVersion number of the device enumerated post upgrade.

Key features#

  • Description of prepraring factory and upgrade images

  • Description of DFU via: * Thesycon TL-USBDFU * A small custom DFU codebase (xmosdfu) * dfu-util

Known issues#

  • None

Required tools#

  • XMOS XTC Tools: 15.3.0

Required libraries (dependencies)#


This package is supported by XMOS Ltd. Issues can be raised against the software at

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