Evaluation platforms

The XMOS USB Device Library supports both the xCORE-USB (U-Series) devices and the xCORE General Purpose (L-Series) devices. However, not all development kits support implementing USB devices.

U16 sliceKIT

The USB device capabilities are best evaluated using the U16 Slicekit Modular Development Platform. The required boards are:

  • XP-SKC-U16 (Slicekit U16 Core Board) plus XA-SK-USB-AB (USB Slice)
  • Optionally: XA-SK-MIXED SIGNAL (Mixed Signal Slice) for the HID Class USB Device Demo

Demonstration applications

HID class USB device demo

This application demonstrates how to write a Human Interface Device (HID) Class Device; a mouse.

  • Package: HID Class USB Device Demo
  • Application: app_hid_mouse_demo

See Also