The XMOS USB Device library is provided by module_xud and the USB Device Helper Functions are provided by module_usb_device.

The APIs of module_xud is listed in XMOS USB Device (XUD) Library. The API of module_usb_device is detailed in this section.

Please note, both module_xud and module_usb_device depend on the module module_usb_shared



This structure closely matches the structure defined in the USB 2.0 Specification:

typedef struct USB_SetupPacket
    USB_BmRequestType_t bmRequestType;    /* (1 byte) Specifies direction of dataflow,
                                             type of rquest and recipient */
    unsigned char bRequest;               /* Specifies the request */
    unsigned short wValue;                /* Host can use this to pass info to the
                                             device in its own way */
    unsigned short wIndex;                /* Typically used to pass index/offset such
                                             as interface or EP no */
    unsigned short wLength;               /* Number of data bytes in the data stage
                                             (for Host -> Device this this is exact
                                             count, for Dev->Host is a max. */
} USB_SetupPacket_t;



  • XUD_Result_t USB_GetSetupPacket(XUD_ep ep_out, XUD_ep ep_in, USB_SetupPacket_t &sp)

    Receives a Setup data packet and parses it into the passed USB_SetupPacket_t structure.


    • ep_out

      OUT endpint from XUD

    • ep_in

      IN endpoint to XUD

    • sp

      SetupPacket structure to be filled in (passed by ref)


    Returns XUD_RES_OKAY on success, XUD_RES_RST on bus reset


This function takes a populated USB_SetupPacket_t structure as an argument.

  • XUD_Result_t USB_StandardRequests(XUD_ep ep_out, XUD_ep ep_in, ?_ARRAY_OF(unsigned char, devDesc_hs), int devDescLength_hs, ?_ARRAY_OF(unsigned char, cfgDesc_hs), int cfgDescLength_hs, ?_ARRAY_OF(unsigned char, devDesc_fs), int devDescLength_fs, ?_ARRAY_OF(unsigned char, cfgDesc_fs), int cfgDescLength_fs, char *unsafe strDescs[], int strDescsLength, USB_SetupPacket_t &sp, chanend ?c_usb_test, XUD_BusSpeed_t usbBusSpeed)

    This function deals with common requests This includes Standard Device Requests listed in table 9-3 of the USB 2.0 Spec all devices must respond to these requests, in some cases a bare minimum implementation is provided and should be extended in the devices EP0 code It handles the following standard requests appropriately using values passed to it:.

    Get Device Descriptor (using devDesc_hs/devDesc_fs arguments)

    Get Configuration Descriptor (using cfgDesc_hs/cfgDesc_fs arguments)

    String requests (using strDesc argument)

    Get Device_Qualifier Descriptor

    Get Other-Speed Configuration Descriptor

    Set/Clear Feature (Endpoint Halt)

    Get/Set Interface

    Set Configuration

    If the request is not recognised the endpoint is marked STALLED


    • ep_out

      Endpoint from XUD (ep 0)

    • ep_in

      Endpoint from XUD (ep 0)

    • devDesc_hs

      The Device descriptor to use, encoded according to the USB standard

    • devDescLength_hs

      Length of device descriptor in bytes

    • cfgDesc_hs

      Configuration descriptor

    • cfgDescLength_hs

      Length of config descriptor in bytes

    • devDesc_fs

      The Device descriptor to use, encoded according to the USB standard

    • devDescLength_fs

      Length of device descriptor in bytes. If 0 the HS device descriptor is used.

    • cfgDesc_fs

      Configuration descriptor

    • cfgDescLength_fs

      Length of config descriptor in bytes. If 0 the HS config descriptor is used.

    • strDescs

    • strDescsLength

    • sp

      USB_SetupPacket_t (passed by ref) in which the setup data is returned

    • c_usb_test

      Optional channel param for USB test mode support

    • usbBusSpeed

      The current bus speed (XUD_SPEED_HS or XUD_SPEED_FS)


    Returns XUD_RES_OKAY on success.

Standard Device Request Types

USB_StandardRequests() handles the following Standard Device Requests:

    • The device address is set in XUD (using XUD_SetDevAddr()).
    • A global variable is updated with the given configuration value.
    • The status of the device is returned. This uses the device Configuration descriptor to return if the device is bus powered or not.
    • A global variable is returned with the current configuration last set by SET_CONFIGURATION.
    • Returns the relevant descriptors. See Device Descriptors for further details. Note, some changes of returned descriptor will occur based on the current bus speed the device is running.
      • DEVICE
      • STRING

In addition the following test mode requests are dealt with (with the correct test mode set in XUD):

    • TEST_J
    • TEST_K
    • TEST_SE0_NAK

Standard Interface Requests

USB_StandardRequests() handles the following Standard Interface Requests:

    • A global variable is maintained for each interface. This is updated by a SET_INTERFACE. Some basic range checking is included using the value numInterfaces from the ConfigurationDescriptor.
    • Returns the value written by SET_INTERFACE.

Standard Endpoint Requests

USB_StandardRequests() handles the following Standard Endpoint Requests:


If parsing the request does not result in a match, the request is not handled, the Endpoint is marked “Halted” (Using XUD_SetStall_Out() and XUD_SetStall_In()) and the function returns XUD_RES_ERR.

The function returns XUD_RES_OKAY if a request was handled without error (See also Status Reporting).

See Also