XK-1A Development Board Tutorial
The XK-1A is a low-cost development board based on the XMOS XS1-L1 device. It includes a single L1, four LEDs, two press-buttons, SPI flash memory, two 16-way IDC connectors and an XSYS debugging interface.
This tutorial shows you how to write some simple XC programs that control and respond to the XK-1A board components. In this tutorial you learn how to:
- illuminate the LEDs
- flash the LEDs at a fixed rate
- flash the LEDs in sequence
- respond to a button press
- connect multiple boards together
Illuminate an LED
This part of the tutorial shows you how to illuminate an LED on your XK-1A, using an XC port and an output statement.
Create a project
Before writing any code, you need a project to store your files in. To create a new project follow these steps:
- Choose
( to open the New XDE Project dialog.)
- In Project Name, enter a name such as illuminate.
- In Target Hardware, select the option XK-1A Development Board.
- In Application Sofware, select the option Empty XC File.
- Click Finish.
The XDE creates a new project, then adds an empty source file to the project and opens it in the editor.
Add the application code
The program below illuminates an LED on an XK-1A.
#include <xs1.h> out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; int main () { led <: 0b0001; while (1) ; return 0; }
Copy and paste the code into your project, and then choose )
Examine the code
Take a look at the code in the editor. The declaration
out port led = XS1_PORT_4F;
declares an output port named led, which refers to the 4-bit port 4F. On the XK-1A, the I/O pins of port 4F are connected to the LEDs labeled LED0, LED1, LED2 and LED3.

XC input and output statements make it easy to express I/O operations on ports. The statement
led <: 0b0001;
causes the value specified to the right of <: to be output to the port specified to its left (led). The port then drives LED0 high and the other LEDs low, causing LED0 to illuminate yellow and the other LEDs to remain off.
The empty while loop prevents the program from terminating, which ensures that the LED remains illuminated.
Build and run your project
To build and run your project, follow these steps:
- In the Project Explorer, click your project to select it, and then choose the menu option
( .)
The XDE displays its progress in the Console. When the build is complete, the XDE adds the compiled binary file to the subfolder bin/Debug.
- Choose .
- In the Run Configurations dialog, in the left panel, double-click XCore Application.
- In the right panel, in Name, enter the name illuminate.
- In Project, ensure that your project is displayed. If not, click Browse to open the Project Selection dialog, select your project, and then click OK.
- In C/C++ Application, click Search Project to open the Program Selection dialog, select your application binary, and then click OK.
- In Device options, in Run on, select the option hardware, and
in Target, ensure that the option “XMOS XTAG-2 connected to L1[0]” is
If your hardware is not displayed, ensure that your XK-1A is connected to your PC, and then click Refresh list.
- Click Run to save your configuration and run it.
The XDE loads the binary onto your XK-1A, displaying its progress in the Console. When the binary is loaded, the Console is cleared.
- On your XK-1A, verify that LED0 is illuminated yellow.
- In the Console, click the Terminate button
( to stop your application running.)
To complete this part of the tutorial, perform the following steps:
- Modify your application so that it illuminates all four LEDs.
You should change the value output to the port led so that all four LEDs are driven high.
#include <xs1.h> out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; int main () { led <: 0b1111; while (1) ; return 0; }
- Click the Run button
( to reload your last Run Configuration.)
The XDE determines that your source code has been updated and re-builds it, displaying progress in the Console.
If your application contains errors, the XDE displays a dialog asking if you want to continue launching the application. Click No, locate the first error in the Console and double-click it to go to the offending line in the editor. When you have fixed all errors, re-run your application.
- On your XK-1A, verify that all four LEDs are illuminated, and then click the
Terminate button
( to stop your application running.)
Flash an LED
This part of the tutorial shows you how to flash an LED at a fixed rate, using an XC timer and an input statement.
Create a new project
- Choose
( to open the New XDE Project dialog.)
- In Project Name, enter a name such as flash.
- In Target Hardware, select the option XK-1A Development Board.
- In Application Sofware, select the option Empty XC File.
- Click Finish.
The XDE creates a new project, then adds an empty source file to the project and opens it in the editor.
Add the application code
The program below flashes a single LED on an XK-1A.
#include <xs1.h> #define FLASH_PERIOD 20000000 out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; int main (void) { timer tmr; unsigned isOn = 1; unsigned t; tmr :> t; while (1) { led <: isOn; t += FLASH_PERIOD; tmr when timerafter (t) :> void; isOn = !isOn; } return 0; }
Copy and paste the code into your project, and then choose )
Examine the code
Take a look at the code in the editor. The declaration
timer tmr;
declares a variable named tmr, and allocates an available hardware timer. The L1 provides 10 timers, which can be used to determine when an event happens, or to delay execution until a particular time. Each timer contains a 32-bit counter that is incremented at 100MHz and whose value can be input at any time.
The statement
tmr :> t;
inputs the value of tmr‘s counter into the variable t. Having recorded the current time, the statement
increments this value by the required delay, and the statement
tmr when timerafter(t) :> void;
delays inputting a value until the specified time is reached. The input value is not needed, which is expressed as an input to void.
Build and run your project
To build and run your project, follow these steps:
- In the Project Explorer, click your project to select it, and then choose the menu option
( .)
The XDE builds your project, displaying its progress in the Console. When the build is complete, the XDE adds the compiled binary file to the application subfolder bin/Debug.
- Create a new Run Configuration for your application named flash, and run it.
Follow these steps:
- Choose .
- In the Run Configurations dialog, in the left panel, double-click XCore Application.
- In the right panel, in Name, enter the name flash.
- In Project, ensure that your project is displayed. If not, click Browse to open the Project Selection dialog, select your project, and then click OK.
- As there are now two applications in your project, the XDE is unable to select one automatically. To select, in C/C++ Application, click Search Project to open the Program Selection dialog, select your application binary, and then click OK.
- In Device options, in Run on, select the option hardware, and
in Target, ensure that the option “XMOS XTAG-2 connected to L1[0]” is
If you did not stop your previous application running, your hardware may be displayed as “XMOS XTAG-2 connected to None”.
- Click Run to save your configuration and run it.
The XDE loads the binary onto your XK-1A, displaying its progress in the Console. When the binary is loaded, the Console is cleared.
- On your XK-1A, verify that LED0 is flashing on-off, and then click the
Terminate button
( to stop your application running.)
Switch between projects
The Run button )
- Click the arrow to the right of the Run button and select the Run Configuration named illuminate.
- On your XK-1A, verify that all four LEDs are illuminated.
- Click the arrow to the right of the Run button and select the Run Configuration named flash.
- On your XK-1A, verify that LED0 is flashing on-off.
- Modify the source of the flashing LED application to change the value of FLASH_PERIOD from 20000000 to 40000000.
- To build and run, just click the Run button.
The XDE launches the Run Configuration you most recently selected.
- On your XK-1A, verify that LED0 is flashing on-off at half the rate it was flashing previously,
and then click the Terminate button
( to stop your application running.)
To complete this part of the tutorial, perform the following steps:
- Modify your flashing LED application so that both LED0 and LED1 are
flashed, with LED0 flashed twice as fast as LED1.
You should output the following pattern to the port led: 0b0011, 0b0010, 0b0011, 0b0010, 0b0001, 0b0000, 0b0001 and 0b0000.
Explain the solution in more detail...
You can define an array of integers an initialize it with the values 0b0011, 0b0010, 0b0011, 0b0010, 0b0001, 0b0000, 0b0001 and 0b0000. Then use a loop to output this sequence of values to the port 4F.
#include <xs1.h> #define FLASH_PERIOD 20000000 out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; int pattern[] = {0b0011, 0b0010, 0b0011, 0b0010, 0b0001, 0b0000, 0b0001, 0b0000}; int main (void) { timer tmr; unsigned t; unsigned i = 0; tmr :> t; while (1) { t += FLASH_PERIOD; tmr when timerafter (t) :> void; led <: pattern[i]; i = (i+1) % 8; } return 0; }
- Run your application.
- On your XK-1A, verify that the two LEDs are flashing at different speeds, and then click the
Terminate button
( to stop your application running.)
Flash and cycle LEDs at different rates
This part of the tutorial shows you how to flash an LED while cycling it along the LEDs on your XK-1A.
Create an application
The program below inputs from one of two timers in a loop.
#include <xs1.h> #define FLASH_PERIOD 10000000 #define CYCLE_PERIOD 50000000 out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; int main (void) { timer tmrF, tmrC; unsigned timeF, timeC; tmrF :> timeF; tmrC :> timeC; while (1) { select { case tmrF when timerafter(timeF) :> void : /* add code to respond to timeout */ break; case tmrC when timerafter(timeC) :> void : /* add code to respond to timeout */ break; } } return 0; }
Before continuing to the next part of this tutorial, create a new project using this code.
Examine the application code
Take a look at the application code in the editor. The first statement in main inputs the value of the timer tmrF into the variable timeF, and the second statement inputs the value of the timer tmrC into the variable timeC.
In the while loop, the select statement waits for the an input on either tmrF or tmrC to become ready. It then performs the selected input and executes any code after it up until the keyword break.
If more than one input becomes ready at the same time, only one is executed in a single iteration of the loop; the other input is selected on the following iteration.
Exercise 1
To complete this part of the tutorial, perform the following tasks:
- Modify the application so that:
- On each input from tmrC, the program changes which LED is flashed, cycling between all four LEDs in sequence.
- On each input from tmrF, the program changes the state of the current LED bewteen on and off.
#include <xs1.h> #define FLASH_PERIOD 10000000 #define CYCLE_PERIOD 50000000 out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; int main(void) { unsigned ledOn = 1; unsigned ledVal = 1; timer tmrF, tmrC; unsigned timeF, timeC; tmrF :> timeF; tmrC :> timeC; while (1) { select { case tmrF when timerafter(timeF) :> void: ledOn = !ledOn; if (ledOn) led <: ledVal; else led <: 0; timeF += FLASH_PERIOD; break; case tmrC when timerafter(timeC) :> void: ledVal <<= 1; if (ledVal == 0x10) ledVal = 1; timeC += CYCLE_PERIOD; break; } } return 0; }
- Build your project, create a new Run Configuration, and run it.
Follow these steps:
- In the Project Explorer, click your project to select it, and then choose the menu option
( .)
If any errors are reported in the Console, double-click an error to locate it in the editor, fix the error and then re-build your application.
- Choose .
- In the Run Configurations dialog, in the left panel, double-click XCore Application.
- In the right panel, in Name, enter a name for the Run Configuration.
- In Project, ensure that your project is displayed. If not, click Browse to open the Project Selection dialog, select your project, and then click OK.
- In C/C++ Application, click Search Project to open the Program Selection dialog, select your application binary, and then click OK.
- In Device options, in Run on, select the option hardware, and in Target, ensure that the option “XMOS XTAG-2 connected to L1[0]” is selected.
- Click Run to save your configuration and run it.
The XDE loads the application binary onto your XK-1A, displaying its progress in the Console. When the binary is loaded, the Console is cleared.
- In the Project Explorer, click your project to select it, and then choose the menu option
- On your XK-1A, verify that a flashing LED is cycled between the four LEDs, and then click
the Terminate button
( to stop your project running.)
Exercise 2
To complete this part of the tutorial, perform the following tasks:
- Add an additional case to the select statement that responds to Button 1 being pressed by
displaying the string “pressed” on the console, and then waits for Button 1 to be
released and displays the string “released”.
Note that Button 1 drives a 1-bit port high. Pressing the button causes it to stop driving the port, and releasing results in it driving again. You can test for these conditions using the input condition pinseq(0) and pinseq(1).
To print a message to the console, you can include the standard C library header stdio.h and use the the library function printf.
Explain the solution in more detail...
Follow these steps:
- At the top of your source file, include the header file stdio.h.
- Define an input port named but1 and initialize it with the value XS1_PORT_1K.
- In the select statement, add the following case statement:
case but1 when pinseq(0) :> void:
- In the body of this case, first call the function printf to display the first message; then input from the button when the value sampled on the pin equals 1; and then call printf again to display the second message.
#include <xs1.h> #include <stdio.h> #define FLASH_PERIOD 10000000 #define CYCLE_PERIOD 50000000 out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; in port but1 = XS1_PORT_1K; int main(void) { unsigned ledOn = 1; unsigned ledVal = 1; timer tmrF, tmrC; unsigned timeF, timeC; tmrF :> timeF; tmrC :> timeC; while (1) { select { case tmrF when timerafter(timeF) :> void: ledOn = !ledOn; if (ledOn) led <: ledVal; else led <: 0; timeF += FLASH_PERIOD; break; case tmrC when timerafter(timeC) :> void: ledVal <<= 1; if (ledVal == 0x10) ledVal = 1; timeC += CYCLE_PERIOD; break; case but1 when pinseq(0) :> void: printf("Pressed\n"); but1 when pinseq(1) :> void; printf("Released\n"); break; } } return 0; }
- Run your application.
A flashing LED should cycle between the four LEDs on your XK-1A.
- Verify that pressing and holding button BUT1 causes the message “pressed”
be displayed in the Console and the LEDs to stop flashing. Releasing the
button should cause the message “released” to be displayed
and the flashing LED should continue cycling.
Note that you may need to push the button down firmly on your XK-1A to operate it.
- In the Console, click the Terminate button
( to stop your application running.)
Run tasks concurrently
This part of the tutorial shows you how to run tasks concurrently on different threads, using the XC par statement and channel communication.
Create a project
The program below creates two concurrent threads, which run two separate tasks independently of each other.
#include <xs1.h> #include <stdio.h> #define FLASH_PERIOD 10000000 #define CYCLE_PERIOD 50000000 out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; in port but1 = XS1_PORT_1K; void flashLEDs4bitPort(out port led, int flashPeriod, int cyclePeriod) { /* Code to flash 4 LEDs connected to a 4-bit port in a cycle */ unsigned ledOn = 1; unsigned ledVal = 1; timer tmrF, tmrC; unsigned timeF, timeC; tmrF :> timeF; tmrC :> timeC; while (1) { select { case tmrF when timerafter(timeF) :> void: ledOn = !ledOn; if (ledOn) led <: ledVal; else led <: 0; timeF += FLASH_PERIOD; break; case tmrC when timerafter(timeC) :> void: ledVal <<= 1; if (ledVal == 0x10) ledVal = 1; timeC += CYCLE_PERIOD; break; } } } void respondToButton(in port but) { /* Code to respond to a button press */ while (1) { but when pinseq(0) :> void; printf("Pressed\n"); but when pinseq(1) :> void; printf("Released\n"); } } int main(void) { par { flashLEDs4bitPort(led, FLASH_PERIOD, CYCLE_PERIOD); respondToButton(but1); } return 0; }
Before continuing to the next part of this tutorial, create a new project using this code.
Examine the application code
Take a look at the code in the editor. In main, the two statements inside the braces of the par are run concurrently: the current thread allocates a new hardware thread; the current thread then runs the function flashLEDs4bitPort; and the new thread runs the function respondToButton. The L1 device has a total of eight available hardware threads.
To complete this part of the tutorial, perform the following tasks:
- Build your project, create a new Run Configuration, and run it.
- Verify that a flashing LED cycles between the four LEDs on your XK-1A. Pressing and holding button BUT1 should cause the message “pressed” be displayed in the Console and the LEDs should continue to flash. Releasing the button should cause the message “released” to be displayed.
- In the Console, click the Terminate button
( to stop your project running.)
Communicate between threads
A channel provides a synchronous, bidirectional link between two threads. It consists of two channel ends, which two threads can use to interact on demand using the XC input and output statements.
The program below creates two threads which are connected using a channel, and communicates a value over this channel.
void snd(chanend cout) { cout <: 1; } void rcv(chanend cin) { int x; cin :> x; } int main (void) { chan c; par { snd(c); rcv(c); } return 0; }
The function snd declares a channel end parameter cout, which refers to one end of a channel. It uses the XC output statement to output the value 1 to a receiving thread.
The function rcv declares a channel end parameter cin and uses the XC input statement to input a value to the local variable x.
The function main declares a channel c. The locations of its two channel ends are established through its use in two statements of the par.
Exercise 1
To complete this part of the tutorial, perform the following tasks:
- Modify your application so that after pressing and releasing button BUT1, the flashing LED
changes direction. This requires the function respondToButton to communicate with
the function flashLEDs4bitPort.
Explain the solution in more detail...
Follow these steps:
- In the function respondToButton:
- Add a parameter declaration chanend c.
- After the button is released, output a value 0 to this channel.
- In the function flashLEDs4bitPort:
- Add a parameter declaration chanend c.
- Add a variable declaration unsigned direction and initialize to 0.
- Add a case to the select statement that inputs from channel c, and in the body of this case update the variable direction.
- Modify the body of the case statement that inputs from tmrC so that the next LED flashed depends upon the value of the variable direction.
#include <xs1.h> #include <stdio.h> #define FLASH_PERIOD 10000000 #define CYCLE_PERIOD 50000000 out port led = XS1_PORT_4F; in port but1 = XS1_PORT_1K; void flashLEDs4bitPort(out port led, chanend c, int flashPeriod, int cyclePeriod) { /* Code to flash 4 LEDs connected to a 4-bit port in a cycle */ unsigned ledOn = 1; unsigned ledVal = 1; unsigned direction = 0; timer tmrF, tmrC; unsigned timeF, timeC; tmrF :> timeF; tmrC :> timeC; while (1) { select { case tmrF when timerafter(timeF) :> void: ledOn = !ledOn; if (ledOn) led <: ledVal; else led <: 0; timeF += FLASH_PERIOD; break; case tmrC when timerafter(timeC) :> void: if (direction) { ledVal <<= 1; if (ledVal == 0b10000) ledVal = 1; } else { ledVal >>= 1; if (ledVal == 0) ledVal = 0b1000; } timeC += CYCLE_PERIOD; break; case c :> int x : direction = !direction; break; } } } void respondToButton(in port but, chanend c) { /* Code to respond to a button press */ while (1) { but when pinseq(0) :> void; printf("Pressed\n"); but when pinseq(1) :> void; printf("Released\n"); c <: 0; } } int main(void) { chan c; par { flashLEDs4bitPort(led, c, FLASH_PERIOD, CYCLE_PERIOD); respondToButton(but1, c); } return 0; }
- In the function respondToButton:
- Run your application.
A flashing LED should cycle between the four LEDs on one of the XK-1As.
- On your XK-1A, verify that pressing and releasing button BUT1 causes
the flashing LED to change direction, and then click the Terminate
( to stop your project running.)
Exercise 2
This part of the tutorial shows you how to put ports and threads on different processor cores. It requires you to have two XK-1As available. Follow these steps:
- Connect the two XK-1As together.
- Choose
( .)
- In the New XDE Source File dialog, in File Name, enter the name Dual-XK1A.xn.
- In Location, ensure that your project folder is selected.
- Click Finish.
The XDE creates an empty source file, adds it to your application and opens it in the editor.
- At the bottom left of the editor, click the Source tab, copy the code in the window below into your new source file, and then save it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Network xmlns="http://www.xmos.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.xmos.com http://www.xmos.com"> <Declarations> <Declaration>core stdcore[2]</Declaration> </Declarations> <Packages> <Package Id="P1" Type="XS1-L1A-TQ128"> <Nodes> <Node Id="Master" Type="XS1-L1A" InPackageId="0" Oscillator="20MHz" SystemFrequency="400MHz"> <Boot> <Source Location="SPI:bootFlash"/> <Bootee NodeId="Slave" Core="0"/> </Boot> <Core Number="0" Reference="stdcore[0]"> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1A" Name="PORT_SPI_MISO"/> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1B" Name="PORT_SPI_SS"/> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1C" Name="PORT_SPI_CLK"/> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1D" Name="PORT_SPI_MOSI"/> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_4A" Name="PORT_LED"/> </Core> </Node> </Nodes> </Package> <Package Id="P2" Type="XS1-L1A-TQ128"> <Nodes> <Node Id="Slave" Type="XS1-L1A" InPackageId="0" Oscillator="20Mhz" SystemFrequency="400MHz"> <Boot> <Source Location="XMOSLINK"/> </Boot> <Core Number="0" Reference="stdcore[1]"> <Port Location="XS1_PORT_1K" Name="PORT_BUTTON"/> </Core> </Node> </Nodes> </Package> </Packages> <Links> <Link Encoding="2wire" Delays="4,4"> <LinkEndpoint NodeId="Master" Link="X0LD"/> <LinkEndpoint NodeId="Slave" Link="X0LC"/> </Link> </Links> <ExternalDevices> <Device NodeId="Master" Core="0" Name="bootFlash" Class="SPIFlash" Type="AT25FS010"> <Attribute Name="PORT_SPI_MISO" Value="PORT_SPI_MISO"/> <Attribute Name="PORT_SPI_SS" Value="PORT_SPI_SS"/> <Attribute Name="PORT_SPI_CLK" Value="PORT_SPI_CLK"/> <Attribute Name="PORT_SPI_MOSI" Value="PORT_SPI_MOSI"/> </Device> </ExternalDevices> <JTAGChain> <JTAGDevice NodeId="Master" Position="0"/> <JTAGDevice NodeId="Slave" Position="1"/> </JTAGChain> </Network>
- Make it default target
- In the Project Explorer, expand your new file to reveal the header file platform.h, and expand this header to reveal the symbols stdcore[0] and stdcore[1].
These symbols name the two processor cores for your new target, which can be referred to in your XC application.
- In your XC source file, change the header include file <xs1.h> to <platform.h>.
- Modify the declaration of the port led to place it on the first core, as shown below:
on stdcore [0]: out port led = XS1_PORT_4F;
- Modify the declaration of the port but1 to place it on the second core.
- Modify the call to the function flashLED to place it on the first core, as shown below:
on stdcore [0]: flashLED(arguments);
- Modify the call to the function respondToButton to place it on the second core.
- In the Project Explorer, expand your project and application folder, and then double-click on the file Makefile.
- In the Makefile editor, in Target, select the option Dual-XK1A, and then choose
( to save your changes to file.)
- Run your application.
A flashing LED should cycle between the four LEDs on one of the XK-1As. Pressing and releasing button BUT1 on the other XK-1A should cause the direction of the flashing LED to change.
What to read next
This tutorial provides only a basic introduction the XK-1A hardware.
For more information on the board refer to the XK-1A Hardware Manual.
For more information on programming in XC see Programming XC on XMOS Devices.