Configuration Files#

There are four types of CMake configuration file which can be used in an XCommon CMake project.

  • Application CMakeLists.txt

  • Module lib_build_info.cmake

  • Static library lib_build_info.cmake

  • Static library CMakeLists.txt

Application CMakeLists.txt#

The application CMakeLists.txt file is located in the application directory as described in the Sandbox Structure section. This file typically has three sections.

The first section is a “header” which must be present to provide mandatory CMake function calls and to load the XCommon CMake function definitions. The three lines in CMake Header are required at the beginning of the file.

The second section of this file is usually the largest. It contains the variable definitions that will be used by the XCommon CMake functions to configure the application. There is a set of named variables, documented in Variables, which define the dependency relationships and the options for the build configuration.

There are two required variables: APP_HW_TARGET is necessary to define the target device, either by a named target defined in the XTC Tools or a local XN file; XMOS_SANDBOX_DIR must be set to the path of the root of the sandbox (if the application has no dependencies, this variable isn’t strictly required). It is best practice to set this to a path relative to the CMake variable ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}, which is the directory containing this application CMakeLists.txt file.

The list of dependent modules provided in the APP_DEPENDENT_MODULES variable should only be the direct dependencies used in the application source code. Any sub-dependencies that are required will be defined within the modules that require them.

The final part is a call to XMOS_REGISTER_APP(). This function performs the necessary actions to populate the sandbox with dependencies and then generate the CMake build environment. All desired XCommon CMake application variables must be set before this function is called.

Example: sandbox/sw_example/app_example/CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)



Module lib_build_info.cmake#

The module code itself does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file because it is never the entry-point for XCommon CMake. Instead, the module directory contains the file lib_build_info.cmake which allows it to be included in other XCommon CMake projects.

The lib_build_info.cmake file contains variable definitions, followed by a call to XMOS_REGISTER_MODULE(). Some variable definitions are required; see Required module variables. All desired XCommon CMake module variables must be set before the call to XMOS_REGISTER_MODULE().

In a similar way to the application variables, the LIB_DEPENDENT_MODULES variable should only contain the direct dependencies of the module. Any sub-dependencies that are required will be defined within the modules that require them.

Example: sandbox/lib_foo/lib_foo/lib_build_info.cmake

set(LIB_NAME lib_foo)
set(LIB_VERSION 3.2.1)


Static library lib_build_info.cmake#

For a static library, a lib_build_info.cmake file is created to hold the XCommon CMake variable definitions to allow it to be linked into an application. See Static Libraries for the variable definitions. All desired XCommon CMake static library variables must be set before the call to XMOS_REGISTER_STATIC_LIB().

Example: sandbox/lib_bar/lib_bar/lib_build_info.cmake

set(LIB_NAME lib_bar)
set(LIB_VERSION 1.0.0)
set(LIB_ARCHS xs2a xs3a)
set(LIB_ARCHIVE_C_SRCS libsrc/bar0.c libsrc/bar1.c)


Static library CMakeLists.txt#

If the static library repository also contains the source to build it, then a CMakeLists.txt file can be created to configure this build. It contains the same initial three lines as the application CMakeLists.txt file, with the library name set in the project() call, and then it sets the XMOS_SANDBOX_DIR variable and includes the lib_build_info.cmake described in the previous section. This allows the XCommon CMake variables for the library to be shared between the two workflows: building the static library archive and linking an existing archive into an application.

Example: sandbox/lib_bar/lib_bar/CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
