
lib_xcore_math is a library of optimised math functions for taking advantage of the vector processing unit (VPU) of the XMOS XS3 architecture (i.e Included in the library are functions for block floating-point arithmetic, fast Fourier transforms, linear algebra, discrete cosine transforms, linear filtering and more.

Repository structure#

  • /lib_xcore_math/

    • api/ - Headers containing the public API.

    • script/ - Scripts used for source generation.

    • src/- Library source code.

  • /doc/ - documentation source.

  • /examples/ - Example applications.

  • /tests/ - Unit test projects.

API structure#

This library is organised around several sub-APIs. These APIs collect the provided operations into coherent groups based on the kind of operation or the types of object being acted upon.

The current APIs are:

  • Block Floating-Point Vector API

  • Vector/Array API

  • Scalar API

  • Linear Filtering API

  • Fast Fourier Transform API

  • Discrete Cosine Transform API

Using lib_xcore_math#

lib_xcore_math is intended to be used with the XCommon CMake , the XMOS application build and dependency management system.

lib_xcore_math can be compiled for both x86 platforms and XS3 based processors.

On x86 platforms you can develop DSP algorithms and test them for functional correctness; this is an optional step before porting the library to an xcore device.

To use this module, include lib_xcore_math in the application’s APP_DEPENDENT_MODULES list and include the xcore_math.h header file.