How to input data accompanied by a data valid signal

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    This code is provided as example code for a user to base their code on.

  • description

    How to input data accompanied by a data valid signal

  • boards

    Unless otherwise specified, this example runs on the SliceKIT Core Board, but can easily be run on any XMOS device by using a different XN file.

A clocked port can interpret a readyIn strobe signal that determines the validity of the accompanying data. The example below inputs data from a clocked port only when a readyIn signal is high.

The following statement configures the input port inP to be sampled only when the value sampled on the port inReady equals 1. The readyIn port must be 1-bit wide.

configure_in_port_strobed_slave(inP, inReady, clk);

Data is sampled on the rising edge of the clock whenever the ready-in signal is high. The port samples two 4-bit values and combines them to produce a single 8-bit value for input by the processor.

inP :> void;