sliceKIT Starter Kit Quick Start

Just received your new sliceKIT board? Congratulations!

Here are a few steps to help get you started developing applications for multicore microcontrollers:

  1. Download and install the xTIMEcomposer Studio development tools:

    These are the complete development tools which give you access to xSOFTip peripherals for xCORE multicore microcontrollers, as well as documentation and quick start guides for sliceKIT.

  2. Run the tutorials (see Help > Tutorials in xTIMEcomposer Studio).
    • xTIMEcomposer Studio Tutorial: Guides you through your first project using the xTIMEcomposer tool suite.
    • sliceKIT Development Board Tutorial: Builds on the xTIMEcomposer Studio Tutorial and shows you how to run your application on your sliceKIT.
  3. Run the sliceKIT demo applications. Every slice card includes a demonstration application which you can compile and run instantly. All the demos are included in the xSOFTip Browser, and include a Quick Start Guide to help you setup the system quickly and easily.
    • Run the GPIO Slice Card Demo: Look for Slicekit Simple GPIO Demo in xSOFTip Browser.
    • Run the Ethernet Slice Card Demo: Look for Simple HTTP Demo in the xSOFTip Browser.

Once you have completed the tutorials and demo applications, explore the other application examples, or use xSOFTip to start building your own!

You’ll find lots of useful tutorials, application examples and documentation in the xTIMEcomposer Studio tools, and on

More information on the sliceKIT Starter Kit is available in the product brief.
