LCD component
The LCD component is used to drive a single graphics LCD module up to 800 * 600 pixels with pixel clocks of up to 25MHz.
- Standard component to support different LCD displays with RGB 565.
- Different color depths 32 bpp, 16 bpp, etc. based on user configuration.
- Resolution of up to 800 * 600 pixels. See table below for different screen configurations.
- Outputs to a CMOS interface.
- Configurability of * LCD pixel dimensions, * clock rate, * horizontal and vertical timing requirements, * port mapping of the LCD.
- Requires a single core for the server. * The function lcd_server requires just one core, the client functions, located in lcd.h are very low overhead and are called from the application.
Memory requirements
Resource |
Usage |
Stack |
92 bytes |
Program |
2168 bytes |
Resource requirements
Resource |
Usage |
Channels |
1 |
Timers |
0 |
Clocks |
1 |
Logical Cores |
1 |
The achievable effective bandwidth varies according to the available XCore MIPS. The maximum pixel clock supported is 25MHz.
Touch screen component
The touch screen component is used to read the touch coordinates from the touch screen controller AD7879-1.
- Standard components to support touch screen controller with I2C serial interface
- Supports 4-wire resistive touch screens of different sizes
- Resolution of 4096 * 4096 points
- Pen-down interrupt signal supported
- Outputs touch coordinates with time information
- module_touch_controller_lib requires a single core while module_touch_controller_server requires an additional core for the server.
Memory requirements
Resource |
Usage |
Stack |
304 bytes |
Program |
3160 bytes |
Resource |
Usage |
Stack |
420 bytes |
Program |
3576 bytes |
Resource requirements
Resource |
Usage |
Channels |
0 |
Timers |
3 |
Clocks |
1 |
Logical Cores |
1 |
Resource |
Usage |
Channels |
1 |
Timers |
3 |
Clocks |
1 |
Logical Cores |
2 |