Automating The Process
Once the XTA has been used interactively to create the timing critical routes, the tool can be automated to ensure that new versions of an application still meet the timing requirements.
Creating a Script
The first step to automating the process is creating a timing script. The script can either be generated by the tool or written by hand.
Generating A Script
Once the timing critical sections of code have been timed, refined and their timing requirements set, a script can be generated. The script will re-create the current set of routes.
Tool Creating A Script
In the GUI press the Generate Script button on the toolbar. This brings up a dialog showing the endpoints, labels and calls which will be used to create the script. The tool attempts to make all references portable. In order to do this it inserts the necessary pragmas into the source.
The names of the pragmas and whether or not they are used can be configured through this dialog. The name of the script to be created is also configured through this dialog.
If creating a script within an existing project then the script is automatically run on future compilations.
If the script creation process has modified the source (e.g. by inserting pragmas), then the relevant binary must be rebuilt before the script can be successfully executed.
Writing A Script
It is also possible to write a script by hand. In this case the user must insert pragmas into the source code where required to make the script portable.
The script file is a sequence of XTA console commands. Each one on a separate line. Any line starting with the # symbol is considered a comment.
It is recommended not to put a load or exit command in the script. These commands should be done at the time of calling the script.
XTA scripts must use the .xta extension in order to be used by the compiler and understood correctly by xTIMEcomposer Studio.
Running a Script
Scripts can be run in a number of different ways, either in xTIMEcomposer Studio or on the command-line.
During Compilation
In xTIMEcomposer Studio .xta scripts are automatically added to the compiler flags for compilation. On the command line the .xta scripts must be passed to the compiler manually. By default, timing failures are treated as warnings and syntax errors in the script as errors.
To treat timing failures as errors, add the following to the compiler arguments:
In order to treat script syntax errors as warnings, add the following to the compiler arguments:
Running From Within xTIMEcomposer Studio
There are two ways in which an .xta script can be executed from within xTIMEcomposer Studio.
If the binary was loaded into the XTA via a Time Configuration, then an XTA script can be specified in the configuration. This has the effect of running the specified script on the loaded binary whenever a new timing session is started. Note: This will also rebuild the binary if required, thus ensuring that the script is run on the most up to date version of the binary.
Alternatively scripts can be sourced from within the xTIMEcomposer Timing Perspective by clicking on the Run Script icon in the toolbar. This will run the script command on the binary that is currently loaded in the XTA.
Batch Mode
The XTA tool can be run in batch mode. It takes command-line arguments and interprets them as XTA commands. For example, to run an XTA script (script.xta) on a binary (test.xe) use:
xta -load test.xe -source script.xta -exit
Note: the ‘-‘ character is used as a separator between commands.
Embedding Commands Into Source
The tool supports the ability to embed commands into source code. A command is embedded into the source using a command pragma. For example,
#pragma xta command "print summary"
All commands embedded into the source are run every time the binary is loaded into the XTA. Commands are executed in the order they occur in the file, but the order between commands in different source files is not defined.
Pragmas are only supported in XC code. See Pragmas for further information.
Advanced Scripting Via the Jython Interface
The XTA supports the writing of scripts using the Jython language (an implementation of Python running on the Java virtual machine). XTA Jython scripts must have the extension .py. They can be executed in the same way as command based XTA scripts. From within Jython, XTA features are made available though the globally accessible xta object. See Example of an XTA Jython script. for an example script. This scripts loads the binary test.xe into the XTA and analyzes the function functionName. It then sets a loop count on each of the resulting routes and finally, prints the best and worst case times for each.
import sys import java try : xta . load (" test .xe"); except java . lang . Exception , e: print e. getMessage () try : ids = xta . analyzeFunction (" functionName "); for id in ids : xta . setLoop (id , " loopReference ", 10) for id in ids : print xta . getRouteDescription (id), print xta . getWorstCase (id , "ns"), print xta . getBestCase (id , "ns") except java . lang . Exception , e: print e. getMessage ()
The interface to the global xta object is as follows:
Load Methods
void load(String fileName) throws Exception
Route Creation/Deletion Methods
List<Integer> analyzeFunction(String functionName) throws Exception
List<Integer> analyzeEndpoints(String fromRef, String toRef) throws Exception
List<Integer> analyzeLoop(String loopRef) throws Exception
void removeRoute(int routeId) throws Exception
Add/Remove Methods
void addTile(String tileReference) throws Exception
void removeTile(String tileReference) throws Exception
Collection<String> getTiles() throws Exception
void addExclusion(String ref) throws Exception
void removeExclusion(String ref) throws Exception
Collection<String> getExclusions() throws Exception
void addBranch(String fromRefString, Collection<String> toRefStrings)
throws Exception
void removeBranch(String fromRefString, Collection<String> toRefStrings)
throws Exception
Collection<String> getBranches() throws Exception
Collection<String> getBranchTargets(String branch) throws Exception
void addLoop(String ref, long iterations) throws Exception
void removeLoop(String ref) throws Exception
Collection<String> getLoops() throws Exception
void addLoopPath(String ref, long iterations) throws Exception
void removeLoopPath(String ref) throws Exception
Collection<String> getLoopPaths() throws Exception
void addLoopScope(String ref, boolean absolute) throws Exception
void removeLoopScope(String ref) throws Exception
Collection<String> getLoopScopes() throws Exception
void addInstructionTime(String ref, double value, String units)
throws Exception
void removeInstructionTime(String ref) throws Exception
Collection<String> getInstructionTimes() throws Exception
void addFunctionTime(String ref, double value, String units)
throws Exception
void removeFunctionTime(String ref) throws Exception
Collection<String> getFunctionTimes() throws Exception
void addPathTime(String fromRef, String toRef, double value, String units)
throws Exception
void removePathTime(String fromRef, String toRef) throws Exception
Collection<String> getPathTimes() throws Exception
Set Methods
void setRequired(int routeId, double value, String units) throws Exception
void setFunctionTime(int routeId, String refString, double value,
String units) throws Exception
void setPathTime(int routeId, String fromRef, String toRef, double value,
String units) throws Exception
void setInstructionTime(int routeId, String refString, double value,
String units) throws Exception
void setLoop(int routeId, String refString, long iterations)
throws Exception
void setLoopPath(int routeId, String refString, long iterations)
throws Exception
void setLoopScope(int routeId, String refString, boolean absolute)
throws Exception
void setExclusion(int routeId, String refString) throws Exception
Get Methods
double getRequired(int routeId, String units) throws Exception
double getWorstCase(int routeId, String units) throws Exception
double getBestCase(int routeId, String units) throws Exception
List<String> getWarnings(int routeId) throws Exception
List<String> getErrors(int routeId) throws Exception
List<Integer> getRouteIds() String getRouteDescription(int routeId)
throws Exception
Config Methods
void configCores(String tileReference, int numCores) throws Exception
void configFreq(String nodeId, double tileFrequency) throws Exception