xTIMEcomposer Simulator Tutorial


xTIMEcomposer includes a cycle-based simulator that you can use to verify the behaviour of programs without the need for target hardware. xTIMEcomposer also includes a waveform viewer for visualising I/O data signals generated by the simulator, and relating the signals back to the source code.

This tutorial shows you how to:

  • Run a program on the simulator and view the processor instruction trace
  • Save the I/O data signal generated by the simulator and view it in the waveform viewer
  • Relate the trace data to the source code
  • Connect two ports together to create a loopback

Open the simulator example

This part of the tutorial shows you how to create a project in xTIMEcomposer and output a simulator trace to the Console.

Create a project

Before writing any code, you need a project to store your files in. To create a new project follow these steps:

  1. Choose File > New > XDE Project button new project to open the New XDE Project dialog.
  2. In Project Name, enter a name such as simulator.
  3. In Target Hardware, select the option XC-1A Board. You don’t need this board to complete the tutorial.
  4. In Application Software, select the option Empty XC File.
  5. Click Finish.images/app.png

Add the code

The program below implements a UART interface:

 * ==============================================================
 * Name        : uart-loopback.xc
 * Description : UART loopback example
 * ==============================================================

#include <xs1.h>
#include <print.h>
#include <platform.h>

#define NUM_BYTES 3
#define BIT_RATE 115200

void txBytes(out port txd, char bytes[], int numBytes);
void txByte(out port txd, int byte);
void rxBytes(in port rxd, char bytes[], int numBytes);
char rxByte(in port rxd);

out port txd = XS1_PORT_1H;
in port rxd = XS1_PORT_1I;

int main()
  char transmit[] = { 0b00110101, 0b10101100, 0b11110001 };
  char receive[] = { 0, 0, 0 };

  // Drive port high (inactive) to begin
  txd <: 1;

  par {
    txBytes(txd, transmit, NUM_BYTES);
    rxBytes(rxd, receive, NUM_BYTES);

  return 0;

void txBytes(out port txd, char bytes[], int numBytes)
  for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i += 1) {
    txByte(txd, bytes[i]);
  printstrln("txDone"); // Transmit_Done

void txByte(out port txd, int byte)
  unsigned time;

  // Output start bit
  txd <: 0 @ time; // Endpoint A

  // Output data bits
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    time += BIT_TIME;
    txd @ time <: >> byte; // Endpoint B

  // Output stop bit
  time += BIT_TIME;
  txd @ time <: 1; // Endpoint C

  // Hold stop bit
  time += BIT_TIME;
  txd @ time <: 1; // Endpoint D

void rxBytes(in port rxd, char bytes[], int numBytes)
  for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i += 1) {
    bytes[i] = rxByte(rxd);

  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BYTES; i++) {

char rxByte(in port rxd)
  unsigned byte, time;

  // Wait for start bit
  rxd when pinseq (0) :> void @ time;
  time += BIT_TIME / 2;

  // Input data bits
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    time += BIT_TIME;
    rxd @ time :> >> byte;

  // Input stop bit
  time += BIT_TIME;
  rxd @ time :> void;

  return (byte >> 24);

Copy and paste the code into your project, and then choose File > Save button save to save your changes to file.

Examine the code

The source code contains a transmitter thread and receiver thread running concurrently. The UART is configured to operate at a data rate of 115200 bits/s. The transmitter outputs a byte (0b00110101) to a 1-bit port and inputs a byte from another 1-bit port.


Build and run your project

To build and run your project, follow these steps:

  1. In the Project Explorer, click your project to select it, and then choose the menu option Project > Build Project button build.

    xTIMEcomposer displays its progress in the Console. When the build is complete, xTIMEcomposer adds the compiled binary file to the application subfolder bin/Debug.

  2. Choose Run > Run Configurations.
  3. In the Run Configurations dialog, in the left panel, double-click XCore Application.
  4. In the right panel, in Name, enter the name simulate.
  5. In Project, ensure that your project is displayed. If not, click Browse to open the Project Selection dialog, select your project, and then click OK.
  6. In Device options, in Run on, select the option simulator.
  7. Select the Simulator tab.
  8. Select the Dump simulator trace option.images/sim-dump-trace.png
  9. Click Run to save your configuration and run it.

    xTIMEcomposer loads the application binary into the simulator, displaying its progress in the Console.

    For details of the output format see the xTIMEcomposer User Guide.

Output a VCD trace file

The Simulator can output a VCD file that you can then view using the integrated waveform viewer.

Output a VCD file

  1. Select Run > Run Configurations and select the configuration you created previously.
  2. Select the Simulator tab.
  3. Click Enable signal tracing.images/sim-enable-tracing.png
  4. Click Add.
  5. Select the Ports checkbox. Leave the Tile option set to tile[0].
  6. Click Run.

    A VCD file is created by the simulator and appears in the Project Explorer.


Display the I/O signals generated by the program

  1. Double-click the VCD file in the Project Explorer.

    Two additional views are opened in the C/XC perspective: Waves and Signals. The Signals view contains a list of all the ports and signals for the target device.

    This defaults to a hierarchical view of the traced signals, but can be changed to a flat view by clicking on the Flat/Hierarchical button button hierarchy on the Signals view toolbar.

  2. Expand the Ports node in the Signals tree.
  3. Expand the XS1_PORT_1H node and drag the tile[0]_XS1_PORT_1H (PORT_UART_TX) signal into the Waves view.
  4. Do the same for the tile[0]_XS1_PORT_1I(PORT_UART_RX) signal.
  5. Click the Zoom Fit icon button zoom extents in the Waves view toolbar to view the full waveforms.

    The trace for PORT_1H shows that its pin starts high initially and is driven low when the program is first executed. It waits for the bit time to elapse (calculated by dividing the XS1 timer by the UART bit rate) then outputs the least significant bit of data, waits for the bit time to elapse again and then outputs the next bit. When the last bit has been output the signal is driven high to indicate the stop bit.

  6. Move the mouse over the Waves view. The current position of the cursor is displayed (in nanoseconds) in the left numerical control at the top of the window.
  7. Click in the Waves view. The red marker is drawn at the position the mouse is clicked. Its position is displayed (in nanoseconds) in the center numerical control at the top of the window.

Relate I/O signals to source code

This part of the tutorial shows you how to relate signals in the Waves view to the source code.

Identify the output statements in the source code

  1. Move the cursor over the PORT_1H wave. As you move the cursor along the signal it changes to a pointing hand, indicating that the signal corresponds to an output statement in the source code.
  2. Double-click the PORT_1H signal after it is first driven low.

    The output statement txd <: 0 @ time; in the function txByte is highlighted in the editor indicating that it is responsible for the initial transition from high to low.

  3. Double-click the PORT_1H signal after it has been driven high. The output statement txd @ time <: >> byte; is now highlighted, indicating that it is responsible for the value driven on the pin at this time.images/click-thru-output.png
  4. Select the PORT_1H signal in the Waves signal list and click the waveform at the start of the signal to set the marker.
  5. Click the Next icon button next transition in the Waves toolbar to move to the next low/high transition.

    The code responsible for the transition is highlighted in the Editing view.

  6. Click the Next icon several times to move along the signal highlighting the code responsible for each transition as you move.

Identify a specific signal transition

The Wave view lets you identify specific transitions along the signal.

  1. Right-click on the PORT_1H signal in the Waves signal list and select Search for transition.
  2. Enter 1 in the Transition Value and click Find.images/wave-search-transition.png

    The cursor jumps to the first low/high transition.

  3. Click Find again. The cursor goes to the next low/high transition.
  4. Change the Transition Value to 0 and click Find.

    The cursor moves to the next high/low transition.

  5. Change the Transition Value back to 1 and click Find.

    The cursor continues to search forward from the current position until it gets to the final low/high transition.

Organise the signals and display format

You can organise the signals in the Waves view and change the display format, to fit your requirements.

  1. Right-click on the PORT_1H signal in the Waves window and select Data Format from the pop-up list.
  2. Select the Ascii display value.images/wave-data-format.png
  3. Right-click on the PORT_1I signal in the list and select Add Separator from the pop-up list.images/wave-blank-sep.png
  4. Enter a name for the separator (for example UART Transmit) and click OK.

    A blank grey separator is added above the signal.

  5. Click on the separator and drag it to the top of the signal list.
  6. Click-and-drag the PORT_1H signal so that it is below PORT_1I, which is below the separator.

Save the Wave window configuration

Once you have organised the signals and separator, you can save the configuration to a Settings file.

  1. Click the Write Session File icon button settings save in the Wave window toolbar.
  2. Enter a name and location for the file and click Save.

    Your settings are saved to the workspace.

    You can reload the configuration at a future time using the Load Settings icon button settings load.

Connect ports in a loopback

To verify that a value is passed correctly from one pin to another (in this example you can check that the byte 0b00110101 output from 1H is input to 1I) you can connect the pins together in a loopback. The link is specified as a pair of pins, one for each end of the connection.

Set up a loopback

  1. Open the Run Configuration.
  2. Select the Simulator tab, and the Loopback tab in the Plugins box.
  3. Select Enable pin connections.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Select the properties for the start and end nodes.
















  6. Click Apply and Run.

Reload the wave signals

  1. Select the Signals view in the C/XC perspective.
  2. Click the Reload icon button reload in the top right corner of the window to reload the current VCD file.
  3. The Waves view now shows that as the byte data is output from PORT_1H, it is input to PORT_1I at the same time.images/waves-tx-rx.png

Congratulations you have now finished this introduction to the XMOS Simulator. For more information on using the simulator please see the xTIMEcomposer User Guide.

We also recommend that you try the xTIMEcomposer Studio tutorial, which shows how to create an project using xSOFTip and use it in the Simulator. See Help > Tutorials > xTIME Composer Tutorial.